Grammar types of sentences Statements Questions Commands Mrs. Evan’s Newsletter Third Grade Week of October 10 - 14 Upcoming Events A Peek at Our Week October 14 – make up pictures - Scarecrow Project due November 4 – Parent Conferences November 7-8 FALL BREAK Reading: We will continue Drawing Conclusions in reading this week and test on Friday. Math: We are working on Subtraction this week. Writing: We are writing a narrative paper on a scarecrow that travels through SC's regions DUE OCTOBER 14th! Science: We are finishing Fossils this week! Fossils, molds, and casts are three types we will compare. Social Studies: We will complete our study of the 6 REGIONS of our great state! Test end of week Handwriting: We will work on the cursive letters – u,w,e,l Test and Quizzes Thursday/Friday – SS test Friday – Reading test Grammar test Grammar types of sentences Statements Questions Commands Exclamations Reminders Reading logs are due Monday morning! Please have them in your Yellow Folder to be checked! Our weekly goal is 100 minutes! Please make sure that your child is reading Chocolate Touch and putting in on reading log.