Mrs. Ebert’s 3rd Grade Leaders Week of: February 19 – February 23, 2018 *February 19- No School *February 21- Dr. Seuss at Patton (district transportation) *March 2- Early Release *March 5- Math Night 5:00-7:00 *March 9- Half Day (11:30 Dismiss) *Please continue to check, and sign, your child’s agenda nightly. *Spelling test Friday, Feb. 23 *Reading Log due Tuesday, Feb. 20 *Story or novel: Wings *Skills Focus- Cause and Effect, main idea and supporting details *February 21- Dr. Seuss at Patton- District transportation. Please let me know if you do not want your student to attend. *Chapter 9- Comparing Fractions *Elapsed Time *Be practicing your multiplication facts at home every night. *Habit 5- Seek First to Understand *TEAMS Lab *News *Black History Month- Biographies continue *We are writing in our journals, with a focus on complete sentences and proper paragraph format. *Editing *Cursive Capital Letters Spelling: create, medium, piano, idea, radio, video, studio, violin, duo, patio, rodeo, pioneer, trio, stadium, audio Challenge: audience, radiate, cereal, Creole, recreation