OSH Training - Follow up Work Plan Tik Kumari Thapa Nepal Independent Hotel, Casino & Restaurant Workers’ Union GEFONT - NEPAL
Title Time-frame Improving Occupational Safety, Health and HIV-AIDS condition for workers of Shangri-La Hotel, Kathmandu Time-frame September 2011 – March 2012
Background and Justification Hotel employees are doing difficult and dangerous work. Many accidents happen. But, no protective equipment and knowledge how to prevent the accidents. They are vulnerable to HIV-AIDS also because they do not have a knowledge. Therefore, we should give the knowledge to workers and discuss with the management to provide PPE such as safety belts and gloves.
Target Groups and Parties Involved 200 workers at Shangri-La Hotel in Kathmandu Parties involved: Management of the Hotel
Objectives: 200 workers of Shangri-La Hotel will have improved OSH and HIV-AIDS situation.
Activities: (a) Plan with our union to discuss with the Management of the hotel about the protection of workers from accidents and HIV-AIDS, (b) Discuss with the Management about the safety of workers, (c) Agree with the Management to give protective equipments to workers, (d) Conduct 4 awareness sessions for groups of workers (50 each) on OSH and HIV-AIDS.
Thank you !