Tendering with the NHS in Nottinghamshire Dave Heason Senior Procurement Manager
Agenda AGEM – Who we are Outside of AGEM Tips for Dealing with the NHS Responding to Tenders Questions
Who Are Arden & GEM?
Arden & GEM – Supporting Nottinghamshire As a Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) we: Deliver Strategic Souring – a process that helps commissioners to define need through to contract management and performance monitoring Provide advice and apply best practice to procurement activities Act as a critical friend and challenge commissioners in their thinking, to ensure the best outcomes will be achieved from the procurement process and resultant contracts Provide management of the procurement process on behalf of commissioners, using electronic tools (e-Tender) to support the process Ensure the process is fair, transparent and auditable Provide an audit trail and compliant procurement process, minimising risk of challenge Manage the dialogue with potential providers
NHS Commissioners in Nottinghamshire A Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is the body responsible for buying the majority of healthcare services in a region. Within Nottinghamshire AGEM supports: Nottingham City CCG Nottingham North East CCG Nottingham West CCG Rushcliffe CCG Mansfield and Ashfield CCG Newark & Sherwood CCG Bassetlaw CCG (not supported by AGEM) In addition to these CCGs there are a number of hospitals and other care providers not supported by AGEM.
CCGs Commissioning Obligations Use of the current NHS Standard Contract for all clinical services procured Use of the appropriate procurement route Legal requirements – Public Contract Regulations 2015 NHS (Procurement, Patient Choice and Competition) (No.2) Regulations 2013 (PPCCR). Made under Section 75 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 To utilise appropriate procurement processes that are; Proportionate Fair Non-Discriminatory Transparent
Outside Arden & GEM
The Wider NHS The NHS is huge and not joined up. You should always consider the other organisations within the region you may wish to deal with: Nottingham University Hospitals (acute) Sherwood Forest Hospitals (acute) Bassetlaw Hospital (acute) Nottinghamshire Healthcare (mental health) East Midlands Ambulance Service GP Surgeries
Dealing with the wider NHS Check Contracts Finder Check OJEU Make contact and find out if the service or product you provide is covered by: Preferred supplier lists Dynamic Purchasing Systems Any Qualified Provider contracts Find out when the contract you are interested in is up for renewal
Tips for Dealing with the NHS
Challenges of Dealing with the NHS The NHS is not a joined up entity There is a substantial funding gap Organisations have limited time to validate savings claims for new products/services and focus out of necessity on high value areas There are a lot of suppliers looking to work with the NHS so noise in the system is huge Some areas are out of scope at PFI trusts or where property is rented
Working within NHS Constraints Check the portals for tenders that interest you The NHS will expect you to proactively be looking out for opportunities and you should never rely on being told about opportunities Work with other organisations where there is an opportunity to do so and allow your company to offer a wider solution Use events like these to network Use Bidder Engagement events to share your details and find out who else may work with you Start your preparation now Work hard on your tenders and if in doubt, ask! Persevere
Responding to Tenders
When Responding Read the question and answer the question that is asked and every element of that question Read all the documentation If you are ever unclear ask the buyer to clarify Put time aside to do a good job, responses take time to do well and a rush job will rarely be successful
Contact Details Dave Heason - Senior Procurement Manager David.heason@ardengemcsu.nhs.uk Sarah Trupp – Procurement Specialist Sarah.trupp@ardengemcsu.nhs.uk