Using Action Research for Data Driven Decision Making
Identify the basis and philosophy of Action Research Overview Identify the basis and philosophy of Action Research Understand how the results of Action Research can be used to make data driven decisions Discuss potential Action Research topics within the school/classroom setting
What causes us to change practice in our classrooms, schools, and district? How are those decisions made? Think of a recent decision you made that altered a classroom procedure/practice Think of several decisions that have been made at the building, district, and State levels that have impacted what is happening in your classroom
Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! Traditional Research Action Research Pilot Program Other Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!
Action Research IS: Open-ended Purposeful Interactive Collaborative Relevant Evolving Intuitive Practical
Action Research is not the usual things teachers do when they think about their teaching. Action Research is not only problem-solving. Action Research? Action Research is not research on other people. Action Research is not a pilot program. Action Research is not the scientific method applied to teaching.
What is Action Research? --Systematic Discovery-- Action Research is a process in which participants examine their own educational practice, systematically and carefully, using the techniques of research.
Action Research Action Research is a fancy way of saying let’s study what’s happening at our school and decide how to make it a better place. Emily Calhoun (1994)
Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! Traditional Research Action Research Pilot Program Other Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!
Three Approaches to Action Research Classroom 2. School 3. District
Problem Identification Review of the Literature Five Phases (+1) Problem Identification Action Research Review of the Literature Plan of Action Data Collection Analysis of Data Plan for Future Action
What Is a Good Action Research Question? Problem Identification What Is a Good Action Research Question? Manageable Significant Contextual Clearly Stated Open-Ended Self-Reflective
Reflective Practice: PLCs If transformational change is to occur in our schools that has long term benefits for our students, it is critical to have teachers engage in reflective dialogue that causes them to look thoughtfully and critically at their teaching practices. Examine both purpose and process
Reflective Practice: PLCs The path to change in the classroom lies within and through the learning communities which generate knowledge craft new norms of practice and sustain participants in their efforts to reflect, examine, experiment, and change. McLaughlin, M. & Talbert, J. (1993) Center for Research on the Context of Secondary School Teaching
Review of the Literature Five Phases (+1) Action Research Review of the Literature Plan of Action Data Collection
Sources of Information What informs our school as to the effects of our instructional program on students? What data do we use as a faculty?
Data Gathering Strategies Data Collection Data Gathering Strategies Checklists Portfolios Surveys Discussions Interactions Work Samples
Criteria for Selection of Data Techniques Data Collection Criteria for Selection of Data Techniques Is it one that you can do? Are there physical barriers? Who will collect the data and how will it be displayed/shared? Is time an issue? How soon will the technique yield information? Can you afford the time to gather, record, and reflect using this technique? Is it appropriate? Will a different technique provide more appropriate data for your question?
Five Phases (+1) Action Research Analysis of Data Plan for Future Action
Sometimes what you expect to find is not what your data shows! Analysis of Data Analyzing Your Data Sometimes what you expect to find is not what your data shows!
The Secret of Data Analysis The secret of data analysis is pattern recognition. Peter Holly (1992) The guiding principle behind the data collection process is that the information collected should be compelling enough to convince any skeptic.
ACTION! Let the data determine your next move! Plan for Future Action ACTION! Let the data determine your next move! Use the data to influence others Begin a new AR cycle!
What are Some Effects of Teacher Research Projects? Increased sharing and collaboration across departments, disciplines, and grade levels Increased dialogue about instructional issues and student learning Enhanced communication between teachers and students Improved performance of students Revision of practice based on new knowledge about teaching and learning Teacher-designed and teacher-initiated staff development Development of priorities for school-wide planning assessment efforts Contributions to the profession’s body of knowledge about teaching and learning
Action Research Resources ~Docushare~
It is teachers who, in the end, will change the world of the school by understanding it.