Past participles used as adjectives Preview Past participles used as adjectives Past participles of regular verbs Irregular past participles Agreement of past participles and nouns
Past participles used as adjectives Verbs have a form called the past participle, which can be used as an adjective. You can use it to describe a condition or an injury to a part of the body. torcer as a verb past participle of torcer as an adjective Me torcí el tobillo. I sprained my ankle. Tengo el tobillo torcido. My ankle is sprained.
Past participles of regular verbs To form the past participles of regular verbs, drop the infinitive ending and add -ado to -ar verbs and -ido to -er and -ir verbs. -ar hinchar hinchado swollen -er/-ir torcer torcido twisted, sprained herir herido hurt
Irregular past participles Some past participles are irregular. romper roto broken abrir abierto open
Agreement of past participles and nouns When used as adjectives, participles must agree with nouns in number and gender. participle agrees with noun participle agrees with noun Tiene las rodillas hinchadas. Tengo el dedo hinchado. His knees are swollen. My finger is swollen.