Pity Party Interrupted Jonah 4 October 4, 2009
Introduction Tremendous Revival Breaks Out! Entire pagan city and its king repents In compassion, God gives them a second chance Jonah…
Introduction Jonah 4 (p. 917)
The POUTING Prophet ANGRY at God! WEAK in Grace Full of SELF
God’s OBJECT Lesson God Provides a MIRACLE VINE God Provides a WORM Earlier, God “provided”: A violent storm A great fish
God’s OBJECT Lesson Just to teach the pouting prophet about… God Provides a MIRACLE VINE God Provides a WORM Just to teach the pouting prophet about… God’s LOVE for Nineveh
Jesus Faced Same CHALLENGE Pharisees’ INDIGNATION God Holds a GRACE Party
Conclusion God wants us to… PRAY for Revival GRASP Grace REJOICE with God