The Parliament – the Heart of Democracy: Public Consultations in the law-making process by Andreas Gross , Dr.h.c. (Switzerland) (Political Scientist/Director Atelier for Direct Democracy St-Ursanne, 24 years Swiss MP/ 2008-2016: Leader of the Social Democrats in the PACE Strasburg) Presentation at the National Seminar, org. by PACE & Verkhovna Rada of UA Kiew, May 30st 2017
The main aims of law making Highest legitimacy State of the art Inclusiveness Highest Effectiveness
Impossible without many different public consultation processes In the drafting of the law: The administration gathers experts from the scientific community, the civil society, the social partners, the associations
Impossible without many different public consultation processes (II) Twice during the making of the law in the parlam. committee: First by hearings , when the MP’s in the com try to become familiar with the item Secondly after the Committee finished the draft, it should be submitted in a written consultation to all organizations concerned Second reading in the Committee before draft goes to the Plenary