FM Forum Estate Strategy update 9th May 2013


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Presentation transcript:

FM Forum Estate Strategy update 9th May 2013

Developing a new Estate Strategy Started back in May 2012. A process of consultation undertaken starting late summer and running through the Michaelmas Term, including academic divisions, conference of colleges, estates bursars committee, students’ union, to name but a few Over 50 individual and group meetings First draft to BESC on 17th January and a number of comments have been incorporated During last term Paul Goffin attended Research and Education committees, the four Divisional boards and the ASUC board meeting to obtain their comments 01 January 2019

In terms of the strategy itself: There are external pressures on the estate, including the reduction in HEFCE capital funding, but also the need for us to prepare for CIF3 The university needs to be mindful of the cost of managing the existing estate and the cost of expansion There is a need to provide good quality facilities and there are some particular challenges within the estate currently 01 January 2019

There is a reminder that the University has agreed to reduce its carbon emissions by 33% below 2005/06 baseline by 2020/21. This is a significant challenge and there will need to be some large scale initiatives to meet this challenging target The university currently has 47,000m2 of teaching space although there is a concern about utilisation. In line with the overall approach, the draft Strategy proposes that in seeking to meet the space pressures, the University should: promote the sharing of existing teaching and research facilities across the collegiate University, and the development of flexible and shared research space; and 01 January 2019

ensure that any plans for new and refurbished teaching space enable full use to be made of IT and other technology in the delivery of new and emerging forms of teaching Once the draft Strategy has been approved there will be a number of pieces of work to look at delivery plans, so for example, we might want to plan to exit leasehold properties with high rents 01 January 2019

Key strategic themes The focus of capital spending in the coming decade should be on measures to improve the condition, functional suitability and energy efficiency of legacy buildings, and to promote flexibility and shared use of any new buildings; The promotion of the sharing of existing teaching and research facilities across the Collegiate University is a priority; Substandard teaching and research facilities should receive priority investment, subject to any such investment promoting, where possible, the shared use of such teaching and research space; 01 January 2019

Any plans for new and refurbished teaching space must enable full use to be made of IT and other technologies to anticipate the delivery of new and emerging forms of teaching; Priority should be given to capital projects that develop flexible and shared research space; The provision of graduate student accommodation by the University should be evaluated alongside any proposals to increase student numbers to ensure that the numbers of students outside of Collegiate University accommodation is below the 3,000 figure set by the City Council’s Core Strategy; The University should investigate opportunities for reducing its CO2 emissions through working jointly with other local institutions (local authorities, hospitals, etc); 01 January 2019

The University will work towards its stated carbon reduction targets whilst remaining a world leader in its teaching and research; The University will keep its size and shape under review to allow for further develop the Estate Strategy; The University will aim to compare its estate with an international peer group to better understand how its facilities compare with those of other world-leading universities; In the development and conservation of the University’s functional estate the University should continue to work closely with the local authorities and national and local preservation groups such as English Heritage, the Oxford Preservation Trust and the Oxford Civic Society; 01 January 2019

A property acquisition and disposal strategy will be developed; The Estate Strategy will be annually reviewed. 01 January 2019

QUESTIONS 01 January 2019