Data policy, data usage and dataset update


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Presentation transcript:

Data policy, data usage and dataset update Sébastien Wagner (EUMETSAT) Tom Stone (USGS) Sophie Lachérade, Bertrand Fougnie (CNES) Jack Xiong (NASA)

Establishing a Lunar Calibration Dataset From the very first web meeting in June 2014, objectives of the workshop: Work across agencies / operators with a common and validated implementation of the USGS ROLO model  one of GSICS’ goal = instruments inter-calibration To share knowledge and expertise on lunar calibration. First step to provide the international community with validated and traceable version of the USGS ROLO model  version based on publically available literature. Generate for the first time a reference dataset that could be used for validation / comparisons later on.

Questions to be answered… What data are we talking about? Not the Level 1.0 data Not the Lunar imagettes (optional inputs) Although it would be nice to share these too! GIRO inputs SRFs Not GIRO outputs

Questions to be answered… What is the purpose of the data set? Data to be used for: validation? Cross-calibration / cross-comparisons? Understanding better the lunar calibration system? The objectives will drive the needs/requirements for establishing the database (number of files to provide, representativeness of the shared data, etc.) Who can have access? Participants ( = providing data)? Calibration community (GSICS, CEOS-IVOS)? Open Access (access via an unprotected webpage [following GSICS principles])? Can GSICS data servers host such a data set? GSICS wiki?

Data policy and data usage Data policy = driven by the answers to the previous questions Within the group who has access, need for agreeing on principles when using other people data: Before submission, papers should be sent to the data owners for review to ensure data are used in an appropriate manner Should we always offer co-authorship on papers for data owners ?  might be an incentive for sharing more data Then owning organizations can decide whether acknowledgment is enough

Comment from Dohyeong Kim (KMA) Thank you very much for your kind explanation about sharing the sample results of COMS.   As same as EUMETSAT, the KMA's obervation of Moon is not for public release but for calibration internally. If you may use the KMA's sample data for updating and improving GIRO without circulating them outside of the EUMETSAT, it would be no problem. But if you want to circulate and open to the whole participants, I should submit document for internal process to get the permission to provide the data to you. Thus, my question is that who will use the KMA's data? I appreciate for the organizing and hosting this really useful workshop and KMA missed not participating in the workshop. Best regards, Dohyeong

Dataset update Three types of updates: Update of existing data set = more observations Update of existing data set = new image processing New instruments Proposal = follow GSICS approach for product development (versioning system)