Due Tuesday, October 30 No Exceptions, No Excuses DON’T BE ABSENT!!! American West Project Due Tuesday, October 30 No Exceptions, No Excuses DON’T BE ABSENT!!!
1. Report with Title Page on Top & Works Cited on Bottom Title Page: title centered with name, period, October 30, 2012 & Mr. TerBoss in lower right corner; 1 staple in upper left (no covers, etc.) Paper: must at least go onto 3rd page, Use all default settings for Microsoft Word (Calibri 11 pt font, 1” margins), double spaced, IN YOUR OWN WORDS!!!
2. Works Cited Follow all directions on Works Cited Checklist Remember: alphabetical order, no numbering or lettering sources, proper title, double spaced, hanging indents, correct citation format
3. Visual Aid The entire grade for this (25 pts.) will be based on effort and creativity. The more you do, the better your grade will be! Make sure your name is on it! You will use the visual in your oral presentation.
4. Oral Presentations Tuesday – Thursday/Friday Be prepared to go on Tuesday! 2-3 minutes long Graded on eye contact, volume/clarity of voice & time DON’T read a pre-written speech! Teach us what you know. You are the expert! You may bring up cards, but only to use as cues. Don’t read them.
USE THE PACKET! Matching Quiz All questions can be answered in the packet: Tips Sheet Final Checklist (Sunday afternoon) Grade Sheet This project is 35 - 40% of the 1st Marking Period Report Card Average!!!!!!! Matching Quiz Friday (after reports) 25 Question Matching (25 topics w/ descriptions) Pay attention during presentations! Study Topics List / Read Chapter 19