Postcolonial Literature Liceo delle Scienze Applicate “A. Einstein” Cervignano del Friuli Gregoretti Massimiliano e Pommella Gianluca 5ASA
WHAT IS MEANT BY “POSTCOLONIAL LITERATURE”? The adjective Postcolonial refers to: The period after colonisation The period after a colony’s independence Any writing critical of colonialism The literature by writers who lived in the former British colonies
WHEN DID IT DEVELOP AND WHY? It developed from 1978 with the publication of Edward Said's essay Orientalism The work is a criticism of the Western ideas of Eastern culture
POSTCOLONIAL LITERATURE. AIMS Contrasting the distorted experience and realities of the colonized conveyed by colonizing culture Bringing to surface the identity of the colonized claiming their past in the face of the their past’s inevitable otherness
POSTCOLONIAL MAIN FEATURES Postcolonial Literature rests on Otherness defined as lack of identifications with some part of one's personality or one's community Resistance interpreted as subversion, opposition or mimicry Hibridity in the sense that both the colonized and colonizing cultures have been changed by Colonialism Resistance related to ideas like liberty, identity, individuality and human freedom Otherness related to the impossibility to reconstitute their pasts even if revisitedand realized it in partial and fragmented ways Hibridity related to the cross fertilization of culture that can be seen as enriching as well as oppressive
RELEVANT PERSONALITIES Edward Said Salman Rushdie Derek Walcott
RELEVANT PERSONALITIES Bill Ashcroft Homi Bhabha Chinua Achebe