Total grade value of the exam: 30% ENG1120: FINAL EXAM Total grade value of the exam: 30%
GENERAL INFORMATION Thursday, April 27th from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., GYM A 30% of the final grade No books, notes or electronic devices allowed. Duration: 3 hours. Grade distribution: Section 1: Critical Reading and Analysis (40%) Section 2: Making an Argument (60%)
General Information The exam is cumulative and includes ALL the texts from the course reading list (the entire course pack, The Collector, and The Hunger Games). For the list of terms you must be familiar with and be able to use, see the List of Terms on the course website. PLEASE DOUBLE SPACE!!!
Section I This section tests the ability to analyze familiar texts: close-reading of specific passages taken from the course reading list. Format: Answer 2 of 3 questions. Each question includes a passage or a couple of shorter passages and a question or problem to be solved by way of a close reading. Analyze closely one aspect of a work studied in class, and then tie the conclusions of that analysis to the larger work in which it appears.
Section II This section tests the ability to identify the thesis of a section of critical prose (an article or a review) and to apply an argument to your own understanding of one of the course's literary texts. The task is to write a short essay responding to the author's argument. Format: Choose 1 of 2 options. Each option includes an excerpt or excerpts from a critical commentary on a work from the course’s required reading. Write a 750- word response essay which should refer as directly as possible to both the commentary and the primary text.
Notes For Section II, make sure that your essay has a clear argumentative thesis. Don’t forget to incorporate quotations from the author’s critical statement into your essay. Be specific, give examples, pay attention to details, do not retell too much, avoid empty statements and repetitions in the body of the essay or in conclusion. Each paragraph should contain the development of a point. The number of paragraphs is your choice. Only original ideas will count, not the number of blackened pages.