Do Now Copy the homework: Section 2 quiz Tuesday.


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Presentation transcript:

Do Now Copy the homework: Section 2 quiz Tuesday. Open the textbook to page 12 and copy the definition for the word “nomad” onto your vocabulary sheet. Brainstorm: Why would a group of hominids migrate?

Vocab Nomad A person who has no settled home

Early Migration of Humans video 1. Why did the first humans leave Africa?

Early Migration of Humans video 1. Why did the first humans leave Africa? Climate change or drought (no water)

The First Path of Humans Lbp-2111

Activity for Today Use page 5 of the textbook. On the worksheet, write the names of the continents. I will give you a colored pencil to use. Trace the path of migration.    In the blank key, draw the symbol and write: Migration of modern humans Then, when your group is done with that: Discuss and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Review of Main Ideas At the end of every class we review what we learned. Even if you completed everything during the activity, this is not the time to “zone out.” You will have quizzes and tests on the items we discuss in class. THIS is the time for you to check over what you have completed. If something is incorrect or missing, FIX it. YOU are responsible for your notes, nobody else.

The Migration of Early Humans 1. In which continent did early humans originate? (Start) 2. What landmass did humans have to cross to travel from Asia into North America? (Hint: Look at the map in your textbook.) 3. Name three or more ways the humans’ lives may have changed as they migrated throughout the world.

The Migration of Early Humans 1. In which continent did early humans originate? (Start) AFRICA 2. What landmass did humans have to cross to travel from Asia into North America? (Hint: Look at the map in your textbook.) BERING LAND BRIDGE 3. Name three or more ways the humans’ lives may have changed as they migrated throughout the world. NEW FOOD NEW CLIMATES (need new clothing, plants, animals) NEW SKILLS (making clothes, hunting)

THINK-PAIR-SHARE How long do you think it took humans to move from Africa to… South America? !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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