Facts A Sparkler is a type of hand held firework that burns slowly, while emitting coloured flames, sparks and other effects. In the United Kingdom, a sparkler is often used by children at bonfire and fireworks displays on Guy Fawkes Night, the fifth of November. Sparklers burn at a high temperature (as hot as 1000 to 1600° C) As with all fireworks, sparklers are also capable of accidentally initiating wildfires In 1999 the two artists Tobias Kipp and Timo Pitkämö developed a technique of drawing portraits with burning sparklers on paper, which they called pyrografie
Design The "classic" type of sparkler consists of a thin metal rod approximately 20 cm (8 inches) long that has been dipped in a thick batter of slow-burning pyrotechnic composition and allowed to dry. The coloured spot on the top of each rod indicates the colour of the sparkles emitted when ignited. A more modern type of sparkler, known as the "Morning Glory", consists of a long, thin paper tube filled with composition and attached to a wooden rod using brightly- coloured tissue paper and ribbon. Several different compositions can be packed into a single tube, resulting in a sparkler that changes colour.
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