Warm Up Who was Desiderius Erasmus? Why is he important?
Religions of the Reformation Wait… The what?
Lutheran 95 Theses showing problems in the church Salvation requires faith alone. Reformation- to reform or change Celibate- withholding from sexual relations Luther states that the wife must be obedient to the husband as he is the ruler of the family.
Catholicism Pope, bishops, priests Formed under the Roman Empire Salvation requires faith and good works Indulgences- pay to release from punishment from sin Had their own reformation- the pope created the Commission in 1537. They decided it was the pope’s corrupt policy that created the problems.
Check for Understanding How are Catholicism and Lutheranism alike? What is one way they are different?
Calvinist Council of elders for each church; ministers Similar beliefs as Luther but believed in predestination Predestination- God had predetermined who would and wouldn’t be saved Like Lutheran, felt wife must be obedient and their important duty was to bear children
Making Inferences Why do you think that most Protestant churches eliminated most of the seven sacraments?
Anglican Monarch, bishops, priests Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife because she didn’t have a boy and the pope wouldn’t do it Sacrament- a religious rite or observance Followed Catholic ideals until Henry passed then became more like Protestant
Describing In what way were Anglicans more similar to Catholics than to either Lutherans or Calvinists?
Anabaptists Anyone could be minister as everyone is equal (not usually women though) Did not want the state involved at all; Separation of church and state Adult baptism, communion Baptism- a sacrament where they are accepted into the church Would not fight because of the commandment ‘Thou shall not kill’ Everyone saw them as radicals so they wanted to persecute them
Check for Understanding Why were the Anabaptists considered to be dangerous political radicals?
Warm up! What was the Commission in 1537? What did they decide?
Warm up! How do you think the two maps we are creating are related? Why are we drawing them?
Maps! Political Map of 1555 Religion Map of 1600 Page 177 Include: England, Spain, France, Holy Roman Empire (red boundary line), Ottoman Empire, Papal States Religion Map of 1600 Page 183 Include shaded area of: Anglican, Calvinist, Eastern Orthodox Christian, Lutheran, Muslim, Roman Catholic Include squares for Anabaptist