Update for parents 2017 SQA Liaison Manager SQA Liaison Manager-Dumfries and Galloway, Donna Vivers- donna.vivers@sqa.org.uk
January 2016 – March 2017 January 2016 - Working Group on Assessment and National Qualifications (ANQ) established May 2016 - ANQ report/SQA Fieldwork Report/SQA Subject Review Reports published June 2016 - EIS ballot on industrial action August 2016 – SSTA ballot on industrial action September 2016 - Deputy First Minister announces removal of units from National Courses March 2017 – Scottish Government published policy statement on the changes to National Courses Ministerial Group on Assessment and National Qualifications (ANQ) Group was established in January 2016. Dr Alasdair Allan chaired group until May 2016, thereafter group was chaired by Depute FM John Swinney. Group initially set up to consider and make recommendations on the policy framework within which national qualifications are developed and operate; and on assessment policy and practice from age 3 to 18, and the best means of supporting improvements. ANQ report was published in May 16 and outlined actions to be undertaken by key stakeholders. The ANQ report sets out the additional actions which the national bodies – SQA and Education Scotland, working with local authorities and teachers – will take in response to this initial phase of the Group’s work. ANQ subsequent announcement – Sept 21st 2016 report An announcement made by DFM John Swinney on September 21st 2016 outlined further action to reduce workload for teachers and learners from session 2017/18 onwards, specifically referencing the removal of mandatory unit assessments from National 5 qualifications in 2017/18 and Higher qualifications in 2018/19. Following subsequent discussions with the CfE Management Board, mandatory unit assessment will be removed from Advanced Higher qualifications in 2019 Members of ANQ group – Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES) Association of Headteachers and Deputes in Scotland Colleges Scotland COSLA Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) Education Scotland Further and Higher Education representatives NASUWT National Parent Forum of Scotland School Leaders Scotland Scottish Government Scottish Qualifications Authority Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association SQA Fieldwork Report In July 2015, SQA’s Qualifications Committee approved proposals to carry out an initial evaluation of the design, assessment and implementation of the new National Qualifications. This included a research exercise with a particular focus on internal Unit assessment and fieldwork visits to schools to speak to groups of young people, teachers, and senior managers. Both pieces of work make reference to the design model approved by the Curriculum for Excellence Management Board. At least one secondary school in each local authority was visited by SQA staff between November 2015 and January 2016. They spoke to S5/6 pupils, a sample of subject teachers and the senior management team in the school, using three common sets of questions. The report on Internal unit assessment in national qualifications was based on an examination of policy and guidance documents, including the reasons for Unit-based courses, plus other product specification and support material used in the previous (eg Intermediate) and current (eg National 5) National Courses. It was informed by workshop discussions in 29 National Qualifications Support Team (NQST) meetings in the autumn of 2015 and by an online practitioner survey between October 2015 and January 2016. The discussion at the NQST meetings was shaped by a series of questions around Unit assessment and its relationship with Course assessment. The same questions were also made available through an online survey which elicited over 3,000 responses. The evidence from the unit assessment and Fieldwork reports influenced both the overall action plan intimated to the Assessment and National Qualifications group (ANQ) and the Subject Review Report action plans published in May 2016. Subject Review Reports When we looked at how we might address these issues highlighted in fieldwork and unit assessment reports it became evident that one approach did not fit all subjects. Hence, three approaches were developed to support re-assessment and recording, all of which will help to reduce workload for teachers and learners. The three approaches have been accelerated for 2016/17. the Subject Review Reports have used evidence to identify specific issues and actions to address these in the short and medium terms. Supplementary information is available at: https://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/files_ccc/NQ_Next_Steps-Guide_to_what_this_means_for_teachers_and_lecturers.pdf http://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/files_ccc/Executive_Summary_of_SQA_initial_evaluation_of_new_National_Courses.pdf http://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/files_ccc/SQA_Fieldwork_visits.pdf www.sqa.org.uk/nqchanges http://news.gov.scot/news/action-on-teacher-workload-confirmed http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0050/00500819.pdf April update – ANQ 31 March 2017 implications of the removal of unit assessments from the National Qualifications importance of well informed and accurate presentation decisions extension of Grade D as the mechanism for recognising positive achievement plans to review assessment of the National 4 qualification. It supplements the material released by the SQA on 31 January providing the headline details of the changes to the assessment framework for each National 5 course following the removal of unit assessments. http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0051/00516166.pdf
Removal of mandatory unit assessments Timeline Session 2017-18: National 5 Session 2018-19: Higher Session 2019-20: Advanced Higher
Removal of mandatory unit assessments In September 2016, the CFE Management Board ratified ANQ decision to remove mandatory units and unit assessments from National 5 to Advanced Higher courses, and enhance the course assessment. ‘The removal of mandatory unit assessments has the distinct purpose of reducing the amount of assessment experienced by young people taking national qualifications and the workload created as a result of administering the units.’ - Scottish Government Policy Statement, March 2017 The removal of mandatory unit assessments has the distinct purpose of reducing the amount of assessment experienced by young people taking national qualifications and the teacher workload created as a result of administering the units. The course aims, content and rationale are not changing. The removal of mandatory unit assessment reflects proposals from some teachers’ groups who felt that the cumulative impact of typically having to undertake three unit assessments, course assignments, prelims and a final exam for each course was too great. This was especially the case in the context of one year courses, which was a common approach, and was detracting from providing sufficient time for high quality learning and teaching www.sqa.org.uknqchanges http://news.gov.scot/news/refocusing-national-qualifications http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0051/00516166.pdf In addition to changes to course assessment there will be some impact on operational processes. Information will be shared as soon as it is available. Publication timeline for National 5 End of January Early information regarding course assessment modifications End of April Revised mandatory course documents End of May to end of September New and/or revised support materials, including specimen question paper and coursework where required
SCQF Level SCQF Credit Points Difficulty of the qualification Size of the qualification 1 credit point = 10 hours of effort See SCQF postcard
National 5 - changes to course assessment No changes to the aims, rationale or content of the courses Course assessments strengthened to ensure assessment of full content of course, following the removal of units This has resulted in one or more of the following: - extension of the existing question paper - extension of the existing item of coursework - new question paper - new item of coursework SQA was asked to remove units and unit assessments from National courses. The current course assessment approach requires candidates to complete internally assessed National units and a course assessment, which is normally an examination question paper and/or coursework. Removing the units and unit assessments means that we need to strengthen the course assessments to maintain 24 SCQF credit points and protect the integrity of National courses. In many courses we will extend the existing question paper and/or coursework to ensure breadth of course coverage and maintain rigour. In a smaller number of courses we will introduce a new question paper or coursework. This is required where a significant aspect of the course is currently only assessed in the units. For example, practical subjects which are currently assessed by coursework alone may be modified by the addition of a new question paper to assess knowledge and understanding. Similarly, in a small number of subjects some significant skills are currently only assessed within units and this may require the addition of coursework to assess these skills. The removal of units from courses gives SQA the opportunity to streamline existing course documentation – identified as an area of concern for teachers earlier in the year. The revised course documentation will include introductory information, mandatory content and information about course assessment. It will also address issues identified in the subject review reports which were published in May 2016.
New question paper – 9 subjects Example-N5 Hospitality: Practical Cookery current course assessment 100% Practical Activity Knowledge & Understanding assessed within units Addition of small QP (I hour) worth 30 marks coursework worth 70% of final grade New Question Papers in: Administration and IT; Care; Dance; Fashion and Textile Technology; Hospitality: Practical Cake Craft; Hospitality: Practical Cookery; Practical Electronics; Practical Metalworking; Practical Woodworking
New item of coursework Example-N5 Music composing currently only assessed within unit difficult to incorporate this component into a QP new item in the course assessment retains this skill
Recognising Positive Achievement Recognising Positive Achievement arrangements will no longer operate between National 5 and National 4 from 2017-18 This is due to the removal of units and unit assessments from National 5 courses Units will still be available to take on a free-standing basis
Grading In March 2017 the Assessment and National Qualifications Group agreed that the mechanism for Recognising Positive Achievement going forward will be through the extension of Grade D Grade D attainment will be broadened from the current position (notional 45-49%) to a notional 40-49%. This ten per cent range brings a Grade D award into line with the ranges for Grades B and C
National 4 As detailed in the Scottish Government’s policy statement: The Assessment and National Qualifications Group is considering National 4, with an initial focus on the form of an external assessment, and on the ability to differentiate candidate performance It is important that these discussions are taken forward in the context of the different pathways that might be taken by a candidate who achieves a National 4
Understanding Standards
My SQA Register to get results by text at 8am. Great if going on holiday.