Every Soldier is a Sensor: Observation Techniques and SALUTE
2 Terminal Learning Objective Action: Identify Observation Techniques and how to report observations using SALUTE Conditions: In a classroom or field environment, given this instruction Standards: Demonstrate understanding, via instructor checks on learning, of observation techniques and how to report information utilizing SALUTE in support of Battlefield Operations
3 Day Observation Techniques Step 1 - Make a quick, overall search of the entire sector for obvious targets and unnatural colors, outlines, or movements. Step 2 - Observe overlapping, 50-meter wide strips
4 Night Observation Techniques Dark Adaptation Technique Off-Center Vision Technique Scanning Technique
5 Things to Look and Listen for Sounds Dust or vehicle exhaust Movement Positions Outlines or shadows Shine or glare Contrasting colors
6 Range to Target Techniques 100-Meter Unit-Of-Measure Method (Daytime) Appearance-Of-Objects Method (Daytime) Flash to Bang Method (Best method to use at Night)
7 SALUTE S – Size/Who A – Activity/What L – Location/Where U – Unit/Who T – Time/When E – Equipment/How
8 Terminal Learning Objective Action: Identify Observation Techniques and how to report observations using SALUTE Conditions: In a classroom or field environment, given this instruction Standards: Demonstrate understanding, via instructor checks on learning, of observation techniques and how to report information utilizing SALUTE in support of Battlefield Operations