New Organization Management Issues in new HA Standards September 2017 1
1st Edition 2nd Edition
3rd Edition
One of key sources for 4th Edition HA Standards
important change chapter issue I-1 Leadership (LED) - Roles of the governance body in overseeing financial status - Clinical governance - Ethical dilemma - Social responsibility I-2 Strategy (STG) - Strategic opportunity, promoting innovation I-4 Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management (MAK) - cyber-security - Learning from good practices - KM embedded in operation I-5 Human Resource (HMR) - Health and safety program for hospital personnel 1-6 Operation (OPT) - Supply chain management - Innovation management - Clinical education management important change
important change chapter issue II-1 Risk, Safety, and Quality Management (RSQ) - Quality management framework - Risk management framework, risk register II-3 Environment of Care (ENV) - An alternate source of medical-used gas II-4 Infection Prevention and Control (IC) - policies and protocols about infection control - accepted practice of reprocessing single-use devices - appropriate engineering controls II-5 Medical Record System (MRS) - Quality of medical record - Storage and destruction of medical record important change
important change chapter issue II-6 Medication Management System (MMS) - Rational drug use - Antimicrobial Stewardship Program - a computer system which support medication management, COPE - Assuring medication accuracy at the transition of care - Good medication prescription, preparation and administration - Chemotherapy medication - Administration of high-alert drugs - Self –administration of drugs important change
important change chapter issue III–1 Access and Entry (ACN) - Cooperation during receiving referred patients - triage - Details of written consent III-2 Patient Assessment (ASM) - Assessment of patient’s preferences important change
important change chapter issue III-4 Patient Care Delivery (PCD) - Assessment of nutrition risk - Pain management - Care of patients with chronic kidney diseases III-6 Continuity of Care (COC) - Processes for patient discharge and referral which ensure timely and safe results - Communication during patient referral - Transport vehicles important change