Improving Your productivity 10 Ways to Save Time When Making Charts
1. Format Numbers Right click on a number to quickly format all similar labels or multi-select and format all at once by choosing Chart in the ribbon.
Make your chart without altering your underlying data. 2. Switch Bars and Series Make your chart without altering your underlying data.
3. Charts in Excel and PowerPoint Simplify periodic updates by linking to Excel data or creating a chart from Excel and placing it in your PowerPoint slide.
Use data scaling to simplify the numbers on your chart. 4. Scale Your Data Use data scaling to simplify the numbers on your chart.
5. Managing Labels Make label changes last and use alignment, the slanted format and select all labels to save time.
Right click on the Y axis to quickly change the scale. 6. Axis Scaling Right click on the Y axis to quickly change the scale.
7. Pivot Tables Use Excel functionality like Vlookup and pivot tables to save time on your next marimekko.
8. Using Data Rows & Columns Data rows and columns can make a major impact and require limited effort.
9. All About Bar Gaps Add or change bar gaps to facilitate labels or refine the look of your chart.
10. Multiple Charts on a Slide Save time by formatting your first chart and then copying it to create the second.
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