Thursday August 10 BY THE END OF CLASS, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: 3rd AGENDA: Attendance/assigned seats Signed Syllabus? Back to character groups from yesterday: Former Students’ Letters Confirmation, Difference, Changes to your responses BY THE END OF CLASS, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: Identify the expectations of Mr. Craven’s classroom Write to explain your thoughts and expectations for the class
Thursday August 10 BY THE END OF CLASS, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: 4th AGENDA: Attendance/assigned seats Signed Syllabus? Character Grouping Your thoughts, expectations and desires for the class First assignments/homework BY THE END OF CLASS, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: Identify the expectations of Mr. Craven’s classroom Write to explain your thoughts and expectations for the class
A, B, C… Get in order based on your last name, and first name if necessary. I want you to go from Z to A Z is first, A is last The first person sits closest to the smartboard You must weave from front to back to front. You have 4 minutes
Hall passes Respect the 10-10! Hall passes will be given only when deemed necessary. It is your responsibility to use the restroom or get a drink of water to/from class. It is on your way, so it is convenient/possible Leaving class during instruction causes unnecessary disruption and is not fair to other students who are here to learn If you must leave, a student will exchange THEIR I.D. for Mr. Craven’s I.D. IF A STUDENT DOES NOT HAVE THEIR ID, THEY MAY EXCHANGE PHONE/IPOD…
Cellphones/ipods You will learn/show that you can use technology appropriately at the appropriate time, or you will lose it No cellphones. Students may use office phones before school, during class change and after school should the student have an illness/emergency. Any student using such a device shall be reported to the school office and said device will be confiscated. Teachers may permit cellphone use for instructional purposes
Food/drink I am constantly snacking and drinking water, therefore, you may also! I am allowing the privilege to have snacks and drinks in this classroom. It is not a right, it is a privilege which can be taken away whenever I feel necessary All WATER bottles must have lids and all snacks must be finger food NO SUNFLOWER SEEDS! NO PORKCHOPS!
Fire First option: go out the main door to exit through the back double doors toward the baseball field. If that door is blocked, exit through Mr. Sharp’s room and turn left toward the soccer field Stay with me and check in for attendance!
Tornado Exit through main door and turn left up the ramp and sit on the left side. Lay on your knees, tuck your head and cover it with your arms
Lockdown Soft lockdown: Hard lockdown: All students in the classroom Lock doors and close windows Teaching may continue Hard lockdown: Lights off, doors locked, students out of eyesight, silent
Expectations/Behavior Zero tolerance for physical, verbal, any bullying, harassment, threats, picking-on… Be respectful Listen the first time! We all zone out once in a while, but one of the most annoying things for Mr. Craven is repeating himself Show up. Contribute! Attendance will help you succeed in this class, but it does not guarantee a passing grade.
Character grouping Each person will receive a piece of paper. You must figure out how to form the groups. We need groups of 4-6 How many people in the class? Which number works best? How many groups? Where/How will the groups form?
CONVERSATIONS Need: Internet. even amount of groups, move desks Your thoughts, expectations, & desires Please discuss your thoughts, expectations and desires for your time in this class. What have you heard about this class? How do you feel about being in this class? What do you want out of this class? How do you expect/want the class to be like? Structure, assignments, activities etc.
In your groups, on the PADLET Take the key aspects of your conversations and post 2-3 sentences on the class PADLET EVERYONE: GOOGLE CLASSROOM PADLET.COM LETTERS FROM YOUNGER SELF
HOMEWORK Get your syllabus signed Bring your supplies tomorrow Read your assigned letters/be prepared to share in groups