B.O.L.T.S.S Mapping Skills
B is for Border The border shows the edge of the map. All of the information on the map should be included inside the border
Every map is orientated to the North Every map is orientated to the North. This means that the top of the map will be facing North. You must include a compass or a North Point on every map. O is for Orientation
L is for Legend (or Key) The Legend is a list that explains what every symbol, colour or pattern on the map stands for. Every map must have a Legend.
T is for Title The Title describes the map and what it is showing It is important to include a Title on every map.
S is for Scale The Scale is shown on a line, a ratio or as a sentence. The Scale indicates what distances on the map are represent in real-life S is for Scale
Where possible, the details of where the map came from must be listed Where possible, the details of where the map came from must be listed. This is the Source. S is for Source