An era of prosperity, Republican power, and conflict The Roaring 20’s An era of prosperity, Republican power, and conflict
"Roaring 20's", or the "Jazz Age" A period of great change in American Society - modern America is born at this time First time the census reflected an urban society - people had moved into cities
Age of Prosperity Mass consumption Mass Production Age of the Automobile/Assembly Line Booming stock market Installment Buying (credit) & Debt
Great Migration: Blacks moved north for jobs in wartime industry Harlem Renaissance: distinct Black culture flourished Pride in African American heritage Langston Hughes: Wrote about lives of African Americans
believed in Black pride Started Back to Africa movement Marcus Garvey believed in Black pride Started Back to Africa movement Black Nationalism: Education would help advancement Pride in African American Culture and Traditions
President Coolidge “The business of America is business.” No help for farmers Government should stay out of business
Consumer Economy: helped create wealth
Automobile Culture Henry Ford: How auto changed lives: Paid workers well Mastered assembly line Made automobile more affordable Mass produced Model T How auto changed lives: Rural areas less isolated People could live further from work Made public transport less popular Gave young people more freedom
Celebrities Babe Ruth Charles Lindbergh The Spirit of St. Louis 1st solo flight across the Atlantic
The 20’s is The Jazz Age Writers Musicians Lost Generation: Writers who wrote about flawed heroes and the effects of WW II Writers F. Scott Fitzgerald Ernest Hemingway Musicians Louis Armstrong Duke Ellington
1920's also brought about great changes for women... 1920 - 19th Amendment gave them the vote more women worked outside the home more women went to college FLAPPER/ "new woman"
A Society in Conflict Anti-immigrant Sacco-Vanzetti Trial Emergency Quota Act: restricted immigration Passed because fear of immigrants Sacco-Vanzetti Trial Italian immigrants Unfair trial - Executed Fear of immigrants
Immigrants – the point of origin had shifted to S & E Europe and new religions appeared: Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic N. European immigrants this shift and felt it would undermine Protestant values fear was known as NATIVISM
The Ku Klux Klan In power Great increase Anti-black Anti-immigrant Anti-Semitic Anti-Catholic Anti-women’s suffrage Anti-bootleggers
Feared loss of traditional culture Scopes “Monkey” Trial Evolution vs. Creationism Science vs. Religion Famous Lawyers Dayton, Tennessee Feared loss of traditional culture
Prohibition Gangsters 18th Amendment Bootleggers Made alcohol illegal Al Capone