Getting Involved on Campus
What is the key to a successful college experience? Finding a balance between work inside and outside the classroom leads to success!
Research on Campus Involvement Students learn by becoming involved (Astin, 1985) Students involved in co-curricular activities are more likely to complete their educational degree (Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991) There is a positive relationship between engagement and co-curricular activities vs. four-year graduation rates and GPA at UT Austin (SERU Survey, 2011). Alumni involved in extracurricular activities report higher levels of psychosocial development, better life management, career planning and cultural participation. (UT Austin Gallup Alumni Report, 2017) UT Austin alumni are more likely than their national comparison group counterparts to have been extremely involved in extracurricular activities and organizations at 25% vs. 19%. (UT Austin Gallup Alumni Report, 2017)
Different Types of Involvement Student Organizations Academic Research Leadership Experience Student Employment Community Service Study Abroad Recreational and Intramural Sports
Different Types of Involvement Student Organizations Unique purposes Varying sizes and commitment Level Join a current organization or start a new one 3 friends $20 Application Attend a new organization orientation
Different Types of Involvement Academic Research The Office of Undergraduate Research supports student engagement in the research and creative activity of the university Information sessions Research data base Course credit Students can also Participate in the Freshman Research Initiative Serve as teaching assistant Serve as tutor for other students Get involved with their school council learn about more opportunities
Different Types of Involvement Leadership Experience LEAP Program Free six-week leadership development program focused on building an ethical and socially responsible foundation of leadership. The Burnt Orange Society Program that enhances students Leadership Resume through curriculum that helps students translate on-campus involvement to real-world skills for a competitive edge after graduation. The Texas Leadership Summit A free one-day leadership development conference that allows student leaders to develop and refine leadership competencies. Student Organizations Leadership roles and exec positions
Different Types of Involvement Student Employment Student Employment in the Office of Financial Aid It is a free service available to employers and University of Texas at Austin students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Hire-A-Longhorn / HireUTexas Data bases for part-time, full-time, seasonal positions Work Study Many on-campus Work-Study jobs are clerical, but there are also many jobs in lab research, photography, housing, and food services. Internships Complement coursework and give on-the-job experience.
Different Types of Involvement Community Service Longhorn Center for Community Engagement Central resource for those interested in volunteerism and service-learning throughout the UT and Austin Communities. Alternative Spring Break One-time events Student Organizations
Different Types of Involvement Study Abroad UT International Office Ranked third in the country for the number of students abroad. 3000+ students each year Over 400 programs 80 countries Options for every major, budget, language and interest
Different Types of Involvement Recreational and Intramural Sports 8 facilities on and off campus 46 sponsored sport clubs and 29 intramural sports 89% of UT students participate in some aspect of RecSports. 88% of students indicated that RecSports contributes in some way to their ability to make healthy life choices. 72% of students indicated that RecSports contributes in some way to build a sense of community at UT.
Find a Student Organization Attend a student organization fair Attend Connecting to Clubs on Campus Campus tabling and flyers Network Start a new organization
How You Can Help HornsLink Time Management University Resources Family Support
Important Resources HornsLink The Office of the Dean of Students 512-471-5017 Student Activities 512-471-3065