Age of Romanticism (1830-1870)
adventuresome and improbable challenged rational way of thinking fewer instructional texts; more stories, novels and poems
1. Imagination and Escapism Industrial Revolution Escapism- mind allows you to escape harsh conditions by taking you to a place that is purely beautiful City—> Country Washington Irving Rip Van Winkle, Legend of Sleepy Hollow
2. Individuality Immigration—> Melting pot embracing freedom by exploring Characters live on the outskirts of the city Old school cowboys
3. Nature as a Source of Spirituality Embrace spiritual roots planted by Puritans spiritual realm + nature William Cullen Bryant “Thanatopsis” explores death through life cycles sentimentalism
4. Wisdom from the Past Poets stuck to European structure (form and technique) Fireside poets
5. Common Man as Hero European view of hero James Fenimore Cooper, first novelist Natty Bumppo flawed but good hearts and morals
Edgar Allan Poe direct effect on emotions intuition > rationality unusual and bizarre > reality inventor of detective novel