ANGLO-SAXON & NORMAN ENGLAND Year 9 GCSE History ANGLO-SAXON & NORMAN ENGLAND c. 1060-1088 This topic will be the first of three topics you study in depth in preparations for examinations at the end of Year 11.
Today’s Learning Muscle Year 9 GCSE History Lesson 1 date Anglo-Saxon Society Learning Gain: All learners will explore the key features of life in Anglo-Saxon England. Today we will: Today’s Learning Muscle Identify key dates and people from the time period Outline the Anglo-Saxon social system Understand the economy of Anglo-Saxon England.
This is the time period we will be studying: 410-1066 A.D. More specifically, we’ll focus on the years 1060-1088. Play the boast battle and the Viking Song: Literally. They might notice the old clothing, long hair, etc. More importantly, they should notice that both videos talk quite a bit about violence and the male lifestyle of being a warrior. From the two video clips, can you notice anything about the time period, even before we start to study it in more detail?
Write down anything in GREEN. Anglo-Saxon – people who had settled in England after the Romans left Britain. They came from different parts of what is now Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands. These people controlled England for 600 years by the time Edward the Confessor became king in 1042. England was a Christian country, with Catholicism the official religion. Most people who lived in England were farmers or received money from farming in some way. Farming was important in order for people to grow what they needed to live on. Throughout this time period, England was under the threat of Viking raids and invasions. The Vikings lived across the English Channel and along the coasts of the North Sea. People viewed these raids as punishment from God for their sins.
Group Task Use the information provided to create a visual representation of social structure in Britain during the Anglo-Saxon period. Sort the following groups in your display. (Earls, Merchants, Ceorls, Slaves, Peasants, Thegns)
Describe two features of the social system of Anglo-Saxon England. Multi-structural Explain two reasons why life would have been better for an Earl than a Thegn during this time period. Relational Do you think this system was fair? Is it similar or different to England today? Extended - Abstract
Plenary By 1060, York was one of England’s largest cities with over 10,000 inhabitants. Towns were important trading hubs. Towns were also a place of religious gathering. Towns were usually surrounded by large stone walls and were guarded by men from the town. Which group of people from English society would have been most likely to live in a town? Why?