Swedish capacity - available facilities Boo Jarhall Linköping SWEDEN After the last World Championship 2004 we know that at least many enthusiastic football fans here in Italy are well aware of the Swedish capacity… but for the rest of you… I will give a short presentation of … //Textanimering//… available facilities in Sweden. - available facilities Boo Jarhall Linköping SWEDEN
General ID care in Sweden 21 Counties, 30 Departments of Infectious Diseases Totally ~ 820 ID beds * (internal medicine not included) Updated inventory planned 2005 Isolation (single room +bathroom) Anteroom Negative pressure ventilation Financially ”independent” (~autononomous) regions when it comes to official (non-private) healthcare. Health Care Regulations: Each county is by legislation responsible for organizing the healthcare in their region but for rare diseases/conditions special agreements exists (have been negotiated…). That means that patient are transferred to other hospitals (referral centras) depending of their conditions. Updated inventory planned 2005 to get us a picture of the standard of the ID rooms available. Which hospital can offer what.
Catchment areas Swedish Departments of Infectious Diseases The catchment areas varies in Sweden. Therefore the odds increase of diagnosing the patient with hemorragic fever in the three most populated areas. //stapelanimering// Linköping University Hospital is Referral Hospital not only for the County but also for the southeast region of Sweden… There is about 10 university hospitals. Averege
Swedish VHF care facilities HIU´s Linköping 2 (-3) beds (including HIU laboratory) Huddinge (Stockholm) 1 (-2) bed P4 laboratory in Stockholm The only P4 lab in Scandinava today.
VHF protection I + II General VHF PPE General VHF preparedness in all ID Departments. Barrier nursing can be increased in all ID dept. This includes: Face shields/goggles, impermeable surgical gown, double gloves and respiratory protection face mask. “Strengthen PPE” in special units (HIU) General VHF PPE
Swedish transport capacity Two HIT ambulances for road transport (<4h) Road transportation does not allow rotation of staff, that´s why the ambulance can´t go further than 4 hours.
HEPA-filter Drivers cabin separated from IC cabin. HEPA-filtered outgoing air. HEPA-filter
Swedish transport capacity Two HIT ambulances for road transport (<4h) One ambulance is flight approved As far as we know this is the only one in Europe.
HIT - ambulance boarding Hercules TP (transport plane). The ambulance remains a closed unit inside the plane.
Swedish transport capacity Two HIT ambulances for road transport (<4h) One Ambulance is Flight approved (including IC equipment )
Swedish transport capacity Two HIT ambulances for road transport (<4h) One Ambulance is Flight approved (including IC equipment and portable anteroom)
For safe decontamination and rotation of staff.
Ambulance Airtransport The blue circle illustrates the road transport area. The red circle illustrates the air transport area. Övergång: And as you know ”all roads lead to Rome” //animering// Airtransport
Thank you for your attention!