Data based optimization of decisions in healthcare Lauri Neuvonen M.Sc., 2011, Aalto (Eng. Physics & Mathematics) Doctoral candidate since fall 2017 Instructor: Eeva Vilkkumaa Funding (so far): 56% From Aalto Biz 44% HKKK Foundation Key research questions: What is the optimal strategy for screening, testing and treating pa- tients? How should the health care sector distribute its resources, based on the answer to the previous question? What kind of optimization models and algorithms can be used to answer the previous questions? What is the value of optimized testing and treatment plans vs. current practices? 1/1/2019
Publications & future Future plans Dissertation in 2021 Publications: 0 so far 1st :“Value of individually optimized testing and treatment paths in treatment and prevention of type 2 diabetes" Ready in fall 2018 (depending on data access) One also aimed for publication in Management Science’s “Data driven prescriptive analytics” –number Future plans Dissertation in 2021 After completion: Something from the Academia – Industry – Entrepreneurship –triangle Advanced analytics in complex real-life situations, i.e. applicative work 01/01/2019