Intro To Rome
Rome is Founded-753 BC Romulus defeats his brother remulus and becomes the first king of Rome
Seven Kings of Rome
Rome Becomes a Republic 509 BC Last of the seven kings is expelled from Rome A republic is formed
Rome as a Republic Republic= A state where people hold the power and elect representatives senate= about 200 people consul- two acting presidents. Can veto each other patricians-wealthy, ruling class plebeians-ordinary citizens Veto- “I forbid” dictator-can be appointed by senate for 6 months in times of crisis
Julius Caesar The Roman Republic is weakening Julius Caesar has had major military success and re-enters Rome with his private army He assumes control of the governmnet and becomes a dictator Caesar is assassinated on the “Ides of March” 44 BC
“Beware the Ides of March...” Brutus-brutal Stab your friend in the back
Octavian Assumes control of Rome after Caesar’s assassination Appoints himself “Augustus” which means “First Emperor” in 27 BC Official start of the Roman Empire
“I Found Rome a City of Bricks and Left it a City of Marble.”
Colosseum Completed in 80 AD 100 Day celebration
Roman Gladiators 1. They werent always slaves 2. Originally part of funeral ceremonies 3. They didn’t always fight to the death 4. “Thumbs Down” gesture 5. Organized into different classes and types 6. They only rarely fought against animals 7.Women also fought as gladiators 8. Roman emperors fought in staged fights 9. Gladiators became celebrities 10. Entertainment to prevent overthrow
Peloponnesian War Sparta defeats Athens Marks the decline of the Greek civilization
Alexander the Great
Heir to the Macedonian Empire Who is his father? Father is King Phillip II although it is rumored that his father is Zeus-the ruler of the Greek Gods Heir to the Macedonian Empire Who is his father?
Bucephalus Aristotle and Alexander Death of Phillip II At age 12, Alexander tames the wild horse. Plays on fantasy that he is part God. Bucephalus is his battle companion for most of his life. At age 13 Alexander starts studying with Aristotle. Aristotle sparks Alexander’s interest in literature, philosophy, science etc. Death of Phillip II
Enters Egypt-Alexandria King of Persia Enters India Dies
Death and Dissolution 323 BC