IB Psych 10/07/16 Today’s Agenda: Wedekind (1995) Turn in: Nothing Take out : Planner Writing Implement Notes Your Notes from your Reading… Today’s Learning Objectives: BLOA: 2. Explain how principles that define the biological level of analysis may be demonstrated in research. 3. Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at the biological level of analysis. 7. Explain functions of two hormones in human behavior. 11. To what extent do biological factors influence human relationships? Today’s Agenda: Wedekind (1995) Bailey & Pillard (1991) HW: CRA 2.5-2.9 Chart these two studies
Connection to Evolution? What traits are desirable in a potential mate??? Psychologists also argue that behaviors may be the result of sexual selection - that is, animals evolve features whose function is not to help individuals survive, but help them to maximize their reproductive success. This can be realized either by making themselves attractive to the opposite sex, or by intimidating same-sex rivals. Darwin argued that human attraction is the result of sexual selection and not of natural selection. -Facial symmetry -Skin complexion -Quality of teeth -Eye clarity -Body smell -Voice pitch -Height -Facial hair or other secondary sexual characteristics.
Which BLOA Learning outcomes can we use this study to answer??? Wedekind (1995) Which BLOA Learning outcomes can we use this study to answer??? https://youtu.be/pEmX8Rim-hs
Q: Have you ever had wisdom teeth? Genetic Traits Q: Have you ever had wisdom teeth? Approximately 35% of humans are currently born with no wisdom teeth. Others may have 3, 2, or 1… But why? If evolution is eliminating these potentially useless traits, then why might we continue to see other traits that potentially complicate the perpetuation of the species?
Q: Is sexual identity genetic? Bailey & Pillard (1991) Q: Is sexual identity genetic? Q: If it is genetic, how is it being passed on from one generation to another? Yeah, I know…but think about it… Q: Is there a difference between male and female sexual identity, desire, urges, etc.?
Can we use twin studies to determine an answer to this question? Bailey & Pillard (1991) Q: Is sexual identity genetic? Can we use twin studies to determine an answer to this question?
Bailey & Pillard (1991) What about the animal kingdom??? Do other species exhibit homosexual behaviors? Flour Beetles, Japanese Macaques, Bonobos, Laysan Albatross, Bottle-Nosed Dolphins… “Same-sex coupling is a response to a shortage of males” Now, see humans…(and domestic sheep…)