Bellringer Please pick up the Bacteria Lab worksheet on the front table if have not done so already. Read through the entire lab. After you have read through the lab, please get out a blank sheet of notebook paper. Put your name on it and also title it Germ Lab.
Bacteria Lab Experimental Design
Locations We will brainstorm as a class to come up with the “germiest” places in the school. Your group will choose 2 locations to swab. Write your location in your notebook. Locations: A= B=
Hypothesis Write your hypothesis in your notebook. Remember to write it as an “If...then…” statement. Locations: A= B- Hypothesis: If we swab the locker room floor and the sink, then the locker room will have more bacteria colonies.
Variables Independent Variable (IV)= Surfaces Swabbed Dependent Variable (DV)= # of bacterial colonies Control= Plate that has not been swabbed. Constants= Conditions that are the same for the control group and the experimental group.
# of Bacterial Colonies Data Table Write your data table on your notebook paper. Location # of Bacterial Colonies A B
Graph On your notebook paper create a BAR graph to represent the data. Include a title, a key and you must label the x and y-axes.
Analysis Answer your analysis questions on your notebook paper. Once done, please turn in your lab to the tray. Make sure your name is on your lab.