Hagan Ahora: Copian en tu cuaderno Medio/a hermano/a- half brother/sister Mellizo- twin (fraternal) Gemelo- twin (identical) Hijo/a único/a- only child Hijo/a adoptivo/a- adopted child Ésta es mi familia- this is my family Es la familia ___________________
Vocabulario Útil El árbol genealógico- Family Tree Al lado de mi madre- On my mothers side La familia Victor/Green/Meehan Está divorciado/a- Is divorced Está casado- Is married Está difunto/a- Is deceased Madrina- Godmother Padrino- Godfather Bisabuelo-Great grandfather Éste es mi padre,- This is my father Ésta es mi madre- This is my mother
Una práctica Since you will be presenting the information orally, you will need to put everything into complete sentences. Read the following model to get you started. Se llama Becky. Ella es mi hermana menor. Tiene treinta años. Becky es profesora y es inteligente. A ella le gusta leer.
On the following slides please give one of the following pieces of information in sentence format Relationship (using appropriate vocabulary word) Age (use verb tener to give aproximate age) Name (make up name/s using llamarse) Description (using ser, gustar, or encantar) You must use each of these at least once.