Map Design March 9, 2016 RS & GISc, Institute of Space Technology Lab 2 Map Design March 9, 2016 RS & GISc, Institute of Space Technology
Learning Objectives? Create Choropleth maps Create group layers Set threshold scales for dynamic display Create Choropleth maps using custom attribute scales Create Point maps Create a point feature map based on a definition query Create hyperlinks Create MapTips Map document
Tutorial 2-1: Create Choropleth maps Open a document- Tutorial2-1.mxd Add layer - USStates Change layers name to ‘Population By State’ Select a census attribute to display state population (POP2007) Create Choropleth maps
Tutorial 2-2: Create Group Layers Add group layer to map Add multiple layers to the group USStates USCounties Change the symbology for counties Save layer files
Your Turn Create a new layer called ‘Population By Census Tract’ Add census tract layer for Utah (UTTracts) and Nevada (NVTracts) Add USStates Classify census tracts using graduated colors based on POP2007 field USStates: chose no color for fill and black 1.5 width line Notice the difference between the classification intervals of two layers
Tutorial 2-3: Set Threshold Scales for Dynamic Display Set visible scale based on the current scale Set a maximum scale based on the current scale Clear a layer’s visible scale Set a minimum visible scale for a specific layer
Nevada tracts will disappear when zoomed to full extent Your Turn Use layer properties to set the Nevada Tracts minimum scale to 1:8,000,000 Nevada tracts will disappear when zoomed to full extent Set the Utah Tracts minimum scale to the same as Nevada Tracts (1:8,000,000)
Type a specific scale
Tutorial 2-4: Create Choropleth Maps using Custom Attribute Scales Create custom classes in a legend Manually change class values Manually change class colors
Your Turn Change the classification break values for the USCounties layer based on the population (POP2007) Manually change the values using the following 9,000 or less 9,001-18,000 18,001 -36,000 36,001-72,000 72,001 or greater Save as Layer file (populationByCounties)
Tutorial 2-5: Create Point Maps Create point map of US cities by population Create new group layer Population By City Add USStates and USCities USCIties – Graduated Symbols (POP2000) Save map document
Tutorial 2-6: Create a Point Feature Map based on a Definition Query Create a new map document Add data to the map (PACounties and PACities) Symbolize polygons (no fill color and light colored boundaries) Change name (Pennsylvania Counties) Create a definition Query “FEATURE” = ‘10,000 to 49,999’ Change layer’s name and symbol Add State Capital using Symbol Search Definition query: Properties – definition query – query Builder button Layer name = Population 10,000 to 49,999
“STATUS” = ‘State Capital County Seat’ Your Turn Add PACities layer again Create Definition Query that display’s Pennsylvania state capital county seats Create definition query “STATUS” = ‘State Capital County Seat’ Change the layer name to ‘State Capital’ Change Symbology In Symbology Selector window type Capital and enter
Tutorial 2-7: Create Hyperlinks Do on your own Labels are text items on maps Derived from one or more feature attributes
Tutorial 2-8: Create MapTips Do on your own
EX 2-1