Data and Analysis Project Status Update, 4-Jul-2013 HXL is being supported as part of OCHA’s Data and Analysis Project 2 full time staff: program manager and open data technical advisor ( ) 5 consultants + 2 firms (ScraperWiki and Frog), long term posts in process Possible in-kind support from, Ericsson, Motorola
Status Update, 4-Jul-2013 Focus on de-siloing OCHA internal data as well as partner data and making that available to support analysis across the humanitarian community Phase 1: now through Q1 2013. For HXL: Reference data services (CODs, emergency names, etc.) “Predictable” datasets: UNHCR PSR, WFP VAM/Logs Others?
By the end of phase 1, you should be able to: Rely on HXL-based services for things like: Geographic references (pcodes, placenames) Emergency names Organization names Clusters by country Reliably get some key datasets from partners Engage with the HXL community to define an interoperability standard for your cluster’s key data
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