The analytical laboratory School of Biological Sciences Dr Bowater Prof. Richardson Interactions of proteins with DNA The bacterial nitrogen cycle & anaerobic metabolism of bacterial pathogens Dr Brearley Dr Watmough Plant metabolic biochemistry Enzymology of Nitric oxide generation/metabolism Oxidases and peroxidases in aerobic metabolism Dr Clarke Biophysical/spectroscopic analysis of protein-protein interactions Dr Hemmings X-ray structural and mechanistic studies of enzymes Catalytic properties of metalloproteins involved in bacterial respiration which enable bacteria to exploit host cell environments in symbiosis and pathogenesis
The analytical laboratory School of Biological Sciences Facilities & expertise Protein expression. Protein purification Protein characterization Chromatographic analysis/purification of small molecules
The analytical laboratory School of Biological Sciences Protein purification Under aerobic and anaerobic conditions from Category 2 microorganisms License/authority from Defra, HSE Protein purification on analytical, pilot and larger scales
Protein structure determination X-ray crystallography with access to beam time on synchrotons Robotic crystallization trials Protein characterization - capabilities Structure-informed protein characterization and rationale design is available
Protein structure prediction and modelling Enzymology, especially of metalloproteins Variety of spectroscopic techniques Time-resolved spectroscopy of metalloproteins Fast reaction kinetics Analytical ultra centrifugation Hydrodynamic properties of proteins Protein characterization - capabilities In absence of crystal structures, protein structures are modelled
Isothermal calorimetry to study protein-ligand interactions True thermodynamic parameters for any reaction are obtained by ITC
Metabolic and small molecule analysis Gas Chromatography with liquid and headspace sampling Electron Impact GC-Mass Spectrometry Flame Ionization Detection Electron Capture Detection Fermentation products, gases, natural oils are analyzed by GC
Metabolic and small molecule analysis Tracer analysis Stable isotopes and radioisotopes Licensed by Env. Agency High Pressure Liquid Chromatograhy on analytical and semi-prep scale UV, DAD, suppressed ion conductivity, fluorescence & radiochemical detection HPLC-Mass Spectrometry HPLC method development is available
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