A. Butwick, G. Hilton, B. Carvalho  British Journal of Anaesthesia 


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Presentation transcript:

Non-invasive haemoglobin measurement in patients undergoing elective Caesarean section  A. Butwick, G. Hilton, B. Carvalho  British Journal of Anaesthesia  Volume 108, Issue 2, Pages 271-277 (February 2012) DOI: 10.1093/bja/aer373 Copyright © 2012 The Author(s) Terms and Conditions

Fig 1 Flow diagram of the study protocol. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2012 108, 271-277DOI: (10.1093/bja/aer373) Copyright © 2012 The Author(s) Terms and Conditions

Fig 2 (a) Bland and Altman comparison of Masimo Radical-7 Pulse CO-Oximeter with SpHb™ (SpHb) and venous Hb measured by laboratory CO-Oximetry (a) at baseline, (b) in the immediate postoperative period after CS, and (c) at 24 h post-CS. The horizontal dashed lines correspond to the bias and limits of agreement. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2012 108, 271-277DOI: (10.1093/bja/aer373) Copyright © 2012 The Author(s) Terms and Conditions

Fig 3 Mean (sd) Masimo Radical-7 Pulse CO-Oximeter SpHb™ values at 10 pre-defined study time points: 1, baseline; 2, immediately before anaesthesia; 3, neuraxial block height confirmation; 4, uterine incision; 5, adequate uterine tone; 6, within 10 min of arrival in recovery; 7, 1 h after completion of surgery; 8, 4 h after completion of surgery; 9, 24 h after completion of surgery; 10, 48 h after completion of surgery. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2012 108, 271-277DOI: (10.1093/bja/aer373) Copyright © 2012 The Author(s) Terms and Conditions