Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise
What is body language exactly? Vs Vocal language! (not the focus for today but needs mentioning!) How does it shift the communication? Body language and messaging Body language – body part by body part! Interpretations Working effectively and building the human side of business
Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise % Body Language (Postures, Gestures & movements) 38% Voice (Tone, Tempo, Volume, Pitch & Rhythm) 7% Words Actions Speak Louder than Words 3 Albert Mehrabian, a social psychologist at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise There are subtle movements, gestures, facial expressions that indicate something! The way we talk, walk, sit and stand all say something Awareness creates understanding (of them and you!) There are times when we send mixed messages – we say one thing yet our body language reveals something different. This non-verbal language will affect how we act and react to others, and how they react to us.
Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise Understanding people and the entire meaning of the message ensures fewer misunderstandings which leads to fewer business mistakes! 2. Other peoples reactions to you can be information for you (about how you are coming across in your communication technique)
Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise FROM HEAD TO TOE - LETS GO!!
Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise Dilation - A person is very stimulated and in a problem solving mode. Maximum dilation - ready to make a decision which is more likely to be positive. Eyebrow raise - a sign that a person isnt threatening.
Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise Maintaining eye contact – Interested Strong eye contact with lots of blinking- Lying The most threatening look is achieved by moving narrowed eyes towards a person with little to no body movement. Sideways glance with raised eye brows – they like you Sideways glance with no raised eye brows - they dont like you.
Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise
Smile a lot - receive positive reactions. Sincere Smile - wrinkles at the sides of the eyes. If you smile at a person, they will return the favor. Smiling indicates truthfulness
Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise Laughing is attractive and makes you, as well as others, feel comfortable. Laughter has more to do with bonding than humor.
Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise I just feel comfortable with my arms in front of me. If you feel comfortable with a specific body position, it is because you are feeling a certain way. Have you ever seen anyone cross their arms when they are excited?
Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise Hands clenched in front - holding back a negative reaction. Holding ones wrist behind their back - attempt at self control. If a person is picking imaginary lint, they have a secret opinion that they dont want to tell you. Hands folded in front, hand in hand, shows they are feeling vulnerable.
Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise If you want to appear young and vibrant walk quickly while swinging your arms. The jiggling of the feet - a sign that the person wants to get away from a situation. Open and uncrossed legs show that you are open or dominate while crossed legs show that youre closed off or uncertain.
Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise Aggressive Body Language: Feels threatened. Attentive Body Language: Showing real interest. Bored Body Language: Just not being interested. Closed Body Language: Closed mindedness. Deceptive Body Language: Seeking to cover up lying or other deception. Defensive Body Language: Protecting self from attack. Open Body Language: Many reasons for being open. Power Body Language: Demonstrating one's power.
Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise Dont ask for a decision when some has arms crossed! 4. Recognizing a whole cluster is far more reliable than trying to interpret individual elements. 5. Remember that body language varies greatly with people and especially with culture!
Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise Albert Mehrabian, found that when the emotional message conveyed by tone of voice and facial expression differed from the word being spoken people tended to believe the non-verbal cues over the word itself. BUT… …sometimes our preconceptions of non-verbal communication are off- beam or even totally misleading!
Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise
7. Gestures need context and cues from spoken language, tone, and storyline! 8. It doesn't really matter what your body language actually reveals about you. What matters is what other people think it is telling them. 9. Science says that we should always question our preconceptions about body language.
Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise Body language, tone, and words create context. Clusters craft messages. Interpretation of the holistic moment produces meaning!
Reaching for Excellence, Trina Pulliam and Judy Garmaise