Ag. No. 07 International collaboration Doc.A6465/17/05 Ag. No. 07 International collaboration Working Group on Articles A64 and A65 of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg 28+29 March 2017
Content of this presentation Reminder of context: MoU 2009 Main areas of collaboration Apr.2016 – Mar.2017 Next steps
Memorandum of Understanding 2009 Between main international groupings Facing similar management and measurement issues for remuneration of secretariat staff Goal: effectiveness, efficiency, economy MoU 2009 European Commission - Remuneration Statistics for Administrative Purposes (ESTAT.C3) United Nations - International Civil Service Commission (UN.ICSC) Coordinated Organisations - International Section Remuneration and Prices (CO.ISRP)
Data sharing Intra EU Extra EU ESTAT-C3 28 +5 non capital 9 CO.ISRP - (TR, IS, NO, CH, AL, BA, MK, ME, RS) CO.ISRP - 7 (AUS, CAN, JAP, KOR, MEX, NZL, USA) UN.ICSC ESMAD, FRPAR, ITROM, ATVIE, UKLON HQ = USANYC, USAWDC, CANMON, CHGEN, 19 = Grp 1 4 = Grp 2 126 Grp 2 Contract 2 (Taiwan, NewCaledonia)
Main collaboration 2016 to Mar.2017 (7th year) Harmonised FBS questionnaire: coordinate FBS launch Sept.2016 in ES, IT, AT ESTAT+ISRP already surveyed FR, UK Exchange Extra-EU price survey data EU-CO PPP80 (AUS, CAN, JAP, KOR, MEX, NZL, USAWDC) EU-UN 28xP2P (part of 5 year cycle), 178xCPI Exchange Intra-EU price survey data EU-UN E15-1 & E15-2 avpr, E16-1 & E16-2 specs CO-UN rents
UN use of ECP price data UN HQ price surveys in autumn 2016: USANYC, USAWDC, CANMON, CHGEN ES, FR, IT, AT, UK = use ECP data from Eurostat ► Feb.2017 quantify impact of switch Research programme: Outlet-type consistency report (Eurostat) Top-up survey in Brussels (Eurostat) UN type survey in Brussels (to compare ECP) Similar comparison USAWDC and CHGEN Impact of using subset rather than full list Impact of non-ECP prices (= 15% list)
Next steps Research programme Eurostat integrate UN FBS data to produce better Extra-EU aggregation weights UN extend use of ECP price data to rest of EU28 Collaboration on mission expenses Follow up benchmarking study (A65)
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