1. Historical background of institutional internal quality assurance University of Zagreb: Founded: 1669, modern university: 1874 Q.A.: teachers, teaching, students, curricula, research Established procedures of : -founding new faculties -acreditation of curricula -employment of teachers -enrolment of students Central Q.C. weakens with number of faculties (4 to 33) Socialist jurisdiction preferres disintegrated university Historical background of institutional internal quality assurance The University at Zagreb is the oldest university in Croatia. It counts 334 academic years of existence, but it started its modern history in 1874. According to its nature and mission it has always given significant importance to quality in all aspects of university activity. But Q.A. was taken for granted at universities during a long period of time. Institutionalized Q.A. is rather new, and especially in this parts. Primarily this accounts for the quality of teachers and employees, curricula, scientific research, teaching process and students. During the history of the University of Zagreb, the internal quality assurance was reflected in strict procedures of founding of new faculties, approval and accreditation of their curricula, employment of teachers and enrolment of students. But in the course of increasing numbers of faculties from the initial four in 1874 to the present 33, the central control of quality become weaker and the responsibility for quality control was transferred to the faculties and academies. This became especially evident after W.W.II when the jurisdiction during the socialist period preferred a disintegrated university.
2. Perceived needs and strategic approaches to internal quality assurance system at the University of Zagreb 2. Perceived needs and strategic approaches to internal quality assurance system at the institution The main obstacle to an integral quality assurance policy at the University of Zagreb is in its geographical, organizational and structural fragmentation. As you can see it consists of 33 faculties and academies scattered al arround the city, and some of them even in other cities more than 50 km away. The appointment to moderate the internal quality assurance at the university was given, according to the former Law on higher education, to the university senate and its boards and committees, which formally conducted the procedures of appointment and promotion of teachers and approval of new curricula proposed by the faculties and academies. However, some competences were shared with the National Council of Higher Education, which e.g. had the legal authority to evaluate new curricula and the Ministry of Science and Technology which appointed new teachers and researchers. On the other hand, the quality assurance in the organization and management area is entirely in the competence of particular faculties and academies and their own statutory provisions, if any. The new Law on Higher Education induces institutional integration of universities with bulk sum funding of the university and the particular faculties and academies. This will largely improve the university autonomy and contribute to more effective Q.A. University of Zagreb: 33 faculties and academies Geographical, organizational and stuctural fragmentation Old Law on H.E: Internal Q.A. formally given to the Senate and its boards -shared competence with NCHE & MOST, e.g. curricula evaluation & appointment of researchers and new teachers Q.A. of organization and management at faculties New Law on H.E: Institutional integration of universities, financial autonomy, effective Q.A.
3. Implementation of internal quality assurance system at the University of Zagreb 3. Implementation of internal quality assurance system at the institution Significant importance was given in the recent period to the institutionalisation of internal quality assurance at the University of Zagreb. During the past ten years many actions were conducted in this area, most of them initiated and managed by the former prorector and present rector, prof. Mencer. Development documents were issued, largely dealing with quality assurance. Among them the Breakthrough 2000 document has to be pointed out, a manifest on the integral development of the University of Zagreb. The implementation of many activities proposed in this document is opposed by the fragmented university, but the lack of funding from the government may be considered as the main obstacle. The new Law on higher education from August 2003 and the amendments to it which are in preparation should bring many improvements in this sense. They are introducing financial autonomy of universities but also providing beter regulation on Q.A. Recent developments: Institutionalization of internal Q.A. Main development document: BREAKTHROUGH 2000 Threat: - opposition of fragmented university, - fear of changes, - lack of funding Opportunity: - New Law on H.E.
4. Foreseen trends in development of internal quality assurance system 4. Foreseen trends in development of internal quality assurance system The development goals of the University of Zagreb suppose the foundation of an effective quality assurance system in higher education. Generally speaking this implies the creation of a quality culture and policy in the academic community, breaking the resistance to changes and accepting high quality standards and criteria. The new law assumes a higher degree of university integration and larger competencies of its institutions. This provides the basis to fulfil the goals of quality assurance given by the Breakthrough 2000 declaration recommending special care to be given to: - appropriate organization, governance and financing of the universities - sustainable human resources policy - enrolment policy taking into account the needs of the society and market - the teaching process, curricula and mobility of students and teachers - scientific work and research In order to fulfil these tasks, different senate boards were founded, consisting of distinguished university professors. Provisions are prepared to found a University Office for Quality Assurance, which should manage and coordinate the quality assurance activities at the University of Zagreb in cooperation with corresponding bodies at the faculties and academies. Development goals: General: - creation of quality culture and policy - breaking resistance to changes - accepting high quality standards In detail: - appropriate organization, governance and funding - sustainable human resources policy - enrolment policy according to society and market - teaching process, curricula and mobility - scientific work and research