Excel Charts and Functions Welcome W 2.2 Introduction to Engineering Design II Excel Charts and Functions 1 1
Today’s Learning Outcomes By the completion of today's meeting, students should be able to: Master Creating Charts with Excel Acquire the Computing Environment Solve a Modeling Assignment Be Skilled in Using Mathematical and Logical Functions 2 2
Creating Charts Having built the table of the example in the notes, continue reading and practicing till you finish building the chart (pg. 30) with all details, i.e. Two functions in one chart Chart title Axis titles legend 3 3
The Spreadsheet There should be adequate information in the sheet about: Yourself/yourselves The assignment Input data The calculation equation The calculations should be presented in a table distinct from the input data. 4 4
Functions Read the section of the functions in the notes (pp. 31-34). Practice the steps outlined. 5 5
Example # 1 Find the volume and weight of a handball for the following sizes: The radius "r" = 15 to 25 cm at every 0.5 cm., where the density of the leather (ball material) is 700 kg/m3. Plot the results in an excel sheet. Take the assumptions necessary for your solution. 6 6
Example # 2 For the same problem, assume that the ball is filled with water. Perform your calculations in a new sheet and plot the weights of the ball with and without water in a new chart. 7 7
In-Class Assignment # 1 requirements Putting the necessary information about yourself and the assignment. Entering the data provided. Performing the calculations. Formatting the above three in separate distinct blocks/tables. Presenting the results in a chart. 8 8
Scope of In-Class # 1 Formulating equations of fixed data and variables such that the equations do not have numbers, rather refers to cells. Drawing charts of multi-variables, and using legends to identify the results. Identifying the charts with figure titles and axis labels. 9 9