Toulouse GISC Status TT-GISC
GISC Toulouse Dissemination: Transmet for WMO users. Difmet for public users. 5.6 Gb for 24h cache (250 000 products by day) 300 Mb for AMDCN 24h (18000 products by day)
Last news RMDCN migration to 50 Mbit/s 04/2015 : Assistance to Maroc in WMO GISC audit preparation Agreement on Cooperation for backup with GISC Casablanca. 07/2015: Numerical weather prediction DCPC operational (using OpenWIS). Regular VGisc coordination meeting with UK-MET. Participation to the pilot project of WIS cache in the cloud Participation an coordination of the WIS monitoring project GISC RMDCN connexion with China and Marocco Backup for NC Kiev operational, backup for Yerevan and Tbilisi partially operational
short-term actions and plans implementation of RMDCN connexion with NOAA implementation of data reception for NC Yerevan and Tbilisi New operational DCPC : RCC, hash and cyclone Metadata: Migration of metadata to WMO Core 1.3 Pursuing the creation and update of Meteo-France metadata Update the OpenWIS to the last version Involve in OpenWIS development, WIS GISC/DCPC/NC opensource software Organisation of a WORKSHOP for Vgisc members .
TOULOUSE GISC interconnexion
TOULOUSE NC interconnexion
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