How do these shots make you feel. Which one shows power. Why How do these shots make you feel? Which one shows power? Why? Which one shows weakness? Why? Low-Angle Shot High-Angle Shot
Where are we with the essays? Do we need any help with writing the essay so far? Which part? Can we move on to Representation paragraph? Am I moving too fast?
How are the characters represented in the sitcom? To know what representation and stereotypes are. To understand how representation and stereotypes are used in the sitcom. To be able to explain representation with examples of how the show promoted or broke stereotypes. Stereotypes; Representation; Examples/Evidence
Why are camera shots/angles important? To know basic camera shots and angles. To understand how camera shots are used in music videos. To be able to analyze the possible effect the camera shot/angle has on the audience. Audience; Camera Shot/Angles; Effect; Evaluate
To know basic camera shots and angles. Let’s read the different types of camera shots. Whilst we’re reading, I want you to think about: 1. Where would you see this shot? For example, in TV news, on a magazine cover, etc. 2. How would some of these shots make you feel? (Evaluate) Audience; Camera Shot/Angles; Effect; Evaluate
Medium Shot Establishing Shot Medium long shot To know basic camera shots and angles. To understand how camera shots are used in music videos. Medium Shot Establishing Shot Medium long shot
Medium shot Close up Long shot To know basic camera shots and angles. To understand how camera shots are used in music videos. Why do you think the director used that shot? What does this shot show the audience? Medium shot Close up Long shot
To know basic camera shots and angles. To understand how camera shots are used in music videos. Why do you think the director used that shot? How would audience feel? What do you think about her facial expression and lighting? Close-up Long shot Medium long shot
Close-up Medium-close up Long shot To know basic camera shots and angles. To understand how camera shots are used in music videos. Why do you think the director used that shot? What would be the possible effect on the audience? What is the genre of this music video? Why? Close-up Medium-close up Long shot
To know basic camera shots and angles. To understand how camera shots are used in music videos. Why do you think the director used that shot? Why do you think the audience would be attracted to this shot? What is the genre of this music video? Why? Long shot Close-up Extreme close up
High-Angle Long shot Medium Shot To know basic camera shots and angles. To understand how camera shots are used in music videos. High-Angle Long shot Medium Shot Why do you think the director used that shot? Why do you think the audience would be attracted to this camera shot?
Over the shoulder shot High-angle Close up To know basic camera shots and angles. To understand how camera shots are used in music videos. Why do you think the director used that shot? Why do you think the audience would be attracted to this camera shot? Over the shoulder shot High-angle Close up
Audience; Camera Shot/Angles; Effect; Evaluate To be able to analyze the possible effect the camera shot/angle has on the audience. Therefore, when you discuss the director’s intentions, you are writing about what he/she wanted to show. They want to promote the artist band doing something. The effect on the audience – you are evaluating the thoughts, feelings and/or reactions of the audience. Audience; Camera Shot/Angles; Effect; Evaluate
Who’s confused right now? To know basic camera shots and angles. To understand how camera shots are used in music videos. Who’s confused right now? I can identify camera shots, and I’m starting to understand how camera shots are used. I have no idea what’s going on. Help me, Adam!
Creating Your Sitcom To know the conventions of a sitcom and opening credits. To understand how to apply the conventions of a sitcom and opening credits in a storyboard. To be able to start designing your own opening credits to your own sitcom for a multicultural Canadian audience. Conventions; Audience; Sitcom; Characters; Locations; Unique Selling Point
Minds-On I want you to get your brainstorms that you worked on yesterday, add any further information. (4-minutes) Now, I want you to go to another group (speak to people) whom you don’t really speak to that often. (4-minutes) Conventions; Audience; Sitcom; Characters; Locations; Unique Selling Point
Steps to Storyboarding: NO STICK FIGURES! Name the camera shots Write a brief description of what is happening in the camera shot Write how long is the camera shot (it can be seconds long) Write only the first line of what someone is saying Number your shots in what order one will see the camera shot in your news report No white space Show that you understand the conventions of a sitcom (humour, relationships, silly characters, etc.) Fat arrows to camera movement; skinny arrow to show people or objects moving.
Opening Credits