Basic Drama Projects.


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Presentation transcript:

Basic Drama Projects

Welcome to Drama Class! Character development Improv Creating props Planning set designs Writing Directing

People Skills Tap creativity Gain self-confidence Work collaboratively Be part of a team! Develop dependability Critical listener Critical viewer

Journal Entry “On the stage you’re exploring the limits of yourself. How loud and how strong and how big and how wide is the human entity? How much are we like giants and kings?” Ruby Dee, Actor (A Raisin in the Sun)

Begin with the Basics Chapter 1 Warm Up Experiential learning Theater terminology Warm-up Observation Pantomime Improvisation

Warm-up Relax body and mind Increase flexibility Improve articulation Develop warm up routine

Warm-up Alert Responsive Redirect nervous energy Prepare voice and body

Articulation Intonation Idiolect Dialect Accent clear pronunciation of words Intonation Rise and fall of sounds and rhythm of a particular language Idiolect Speech mannerisms Dialect Regional variations in speech Accent Coloring of a second language by the first learning of a native language

Twister Wizard Use clear articulation, expressive intonation and appropriate gestures. “Perform” the tongue twister Avoid “sing-song” monotone.

Gestures Project: Explain the message Total physical response Discussion: Describe a time when someone’s body language tipped you off to what they were thinking.

Professional Actors Effortless performance Inhabit characters Tools Mind Voice Emotions

Actor Preparation Vocalizing Routine Pliable Adaptable Disciplined

Class Participation/Writing Project Students will imitate the poses in the picture. One student will act as a director. Journal: As you pose for the picture, be aware! What to you observe with all five of your senses? Describe the experience of posing for the picture. What thoughts went through your mind? Address each of the five senses—sight, sound, smell, taste, touch. Then, choose one of the characters in the photograph and write a short biography of the character. Then compare your biography to those of your classmates.

Why warm up? Athletes Musicians Singers Avoid injuries. Condition muscles. Decrease awkwardness.

Warm-ups Yoga Martial arts Dance

Differentiate: Relaxation techniques Warm-up exercises

Why warm up? Relax Clear mind Use body and voice effectively Convert nervous energy to inhabiting the character Build confidence Expand range of communication and movement Gain mastery of body’s expressive ability

Warm Up Routine: Project Name the movements Weave story around the movements Move to music Conscious breathing exercises