Viola Spolin By Autumn Lee
November 7,1906-November 22,1994 Important invotivater in 20th century. Influenced first generation of improvisation.
Came up with theater games Founded Young Actors Company in Hollywood Transformed American Theater
Quote!!! “There are few places outside his own play where a child can contribute to the world in which he finds himself.” -Viola Spolin
Improvisation A creation spoken or written or composed extemporaneously (without prior preparation) Improv is one type of a acting skill. Teachers who teach acting use this as a warm up. Viola Spolin was a very important person to Improv. She was the first person to come up with theater games that used Improv. She was a great success in Improv and American theater.
Lesson Learned The lesson learned about Improv is it’s a key acting skill, that every actor must have. Also a women by the name of Viola Spolin came up with the first theater improve games. She has been know in the American theater for years and is a legend.