FY 2018-2019 Proposed Budget March 5, 2017
Requests exceed available resources by 183%
Undesignated Revenue Change Initial Estimate $1,663,942 Increase Real Estate $ 126,224 Increase Personal Property $ 73,936 Increase Other $ 36,155 Revised Estimate $1,900,257
FY 19 Budget Requests County Requests (includes Department requests and employee compensation) $ 3,047,021 School Request $ 2,322,066 GRAND TOTAL $ 5,369,087 New Undesignated Revenue ($ 1,900,257) Shortfall $ 3,468,830 To fully fund these requests would require a 4.5 cent increase in the real estate tax rate. One cent on the real estate tax rate equals $775,000.
The County Process Base Budget Targets Addenda Personnel- updated cost of current positions and benefits O&M –capped at the current level Capital Outlay- removed -one-time only costs Addenda Requests over and above the target amounts must be shown as addenda. Before recommending funding for an addenda request, the base budget is “challenged” to determine if the request can be funded within the base.
Major Highlights $506,169 is added to the funding in the base for a new classification and compensation plan. Base budget savings will absorb 100% of this cost: Turnover, vacancy, sand benefits savings $309,679 Operations savings $196,490 The only position included is the conversion of a part time grant funded attorney in the Commonwealth Attorney’s office to a full time position.
Major Highlights $53,228 in increased funds for F&R departments. $49,300 is for software maintenance costs for new web site, LaserFiche and cybersecurity. $20,000 is for Phase II of the cybersecurity project for the protection of employee and citizen information. $36,000 is included for increased bandwidth. Bandwidth level is currently at capacity. $54,700 is to cover the cost of additional LaserFiche licenses and DocuSign software for electronic signatures.
Major Highlights $63,955 for the Sheriff’s office to cover the cost of Tasers, rifles, radar units, furniture for the jail, and medical supplies. $26,000 is the increase of funds associated with the two cents of the real estate tax earmarked for the School Capital Fund. $19,500 is the increase of funds associated with the 1.5 cents of the real estate tax earmarked for F&R equipment.
Next Steps Worksession – March 12– if needed Establish the Advertised Budget - March 19 and Advertised Tax Rate Public Hearing- April 5 Adopt Budget and Set Tax Rate April 16