1-Jan-19 What do you see? Old woman Young woman
Some people are different…
Imagine a world where everyone had exactly the same views on everything, where everyone looked the same and had identical tastes regarding art, film, football, and music…
World without diversity World with diversity
Some people…
Some people
Some people…
Shard – Ariel View
Stephen Wiltshire MBE
Stephen at school.
Diversity in the UK Down to our deepest historic roots, Britain has always been a diverse nation with people arriving here from all over the world! As people from around the world arrive in Britain, they all contribute their own ethnic and cultural influence to our society...
A mix of food
A mix of music and dance
A mix of sports
Without ethnic diversity, some England players wouldn’t live here!
Marvel has now changed some of it’s most famous superheroes.
The religious perspective O mankind, We have created you from a male and female and made you into nations and tribes, that you may get to know one another. (Surah 49:13) “All people are equal….as the teeth of a comb” (Hadith) Do to others as you would have them do to you. (Luke 6:31) Love your neighbour as you love yourself (Matthew 22:39)
Respecting difference With freedom and diversity comes a need to respect difference! Do you want to live in a world where we can be who we want to be, listen to the music we like, eat the foods we enjoy, dress how we like to dress etc? Then we must remember that the person next to us has the freedom and right to do the same. And they are different...
Some people are different… Celebrate it!
What do you see? Duck Rabbit
Celebrate difference This week observe differences and diversity in people. Different ways people dress, act, eat, think, speak etc. Then celebrate their differences and think about how it makes them unique and special and adds to our diverse and interesting culture!