Transitioning to Middle School: The Rising Ranger Wallace Middle School 2/28/2018
Let’s talk about MIDDLE SCHOOL! Welcome! Activity - Roll the dice… 1 – Say one thing that makes you excited about middle school 2 – Say one thing that makes you nervous about middle school 3 – Say one thing that might make you sad about middle school 4 – Say one thing that you are curious about middle school 5 – Say one thing that you think will be “not so fun” about middle school 6 – Say one thing that’s going to be cool about middle school
Middle School Age is Unique Myths – Raging hormones = “go mad” or “lose minds” Time of immaturity Moving to total independence *Remember, what others believe about us can shape how we see ourselves and how we behave. Time of: Emotional intensity Social engagement Creativity
What to expect… Change = Social Emotional Academic Physical Some level of stress for the student and family Normal anxiety and can challenge coping skills
The Benefits and Challenges of Adolescence Novelty seeking Social engagement Increased emotional intensity Creative exploration
Surviving and Thriving in Middle School The Social Scene Academia Go to middle school events Keep Your Old Friends Close Hobby Up Let Your Happy Self Shine Find Your Niche Love You Be heard Get secretarial Give homework top priority Study hard It takes a village
Beat bullying Chasing crushes Don’t be a lemming Embrace the change Challenging Times Middle School = lots of fun but new and complicated feelings!
Ingredients for Strong Parent - Child Relationships Showing Mutual Respect & Having Fun Giving Encouragement & Showing Love Mutual respect encourages equality in the home Where to begin? Start by smiling Be willing to laugh at yourself and “tune in” to your child’s sense of humor Let fixing meals or shopping for groceries together become times to talk, share stories, or even be silly Planning some enjoyable time together is alos a good idea If we believe in our kids, they believe in themselves. Each person is unique. Your child has many special and wonderful qualities. Encouragement means giving less importance to mistakes and more importance to your child’s strengths. Everyone has a primary love language. Your child’s emotional tank is place of strength to fuel during challenging days. Love tanks filled with only one premium fuel! Unconditional love refill – depletes regularly
Steps for Parental Support Understand middle school is NOT elementary school Identify and ease common entry fears of middle school Expect early adolescent changes Supervise the completion of homework and support learning to function in a large secondary system Help your child to be his or her own advocate Declare desire to be told about any social cruelty that occurs Inform and normalize the changes that come with puberty Encourage and help seek out social circles outside of school Encourage the development of multiple sources of self-esteem Monitor and moderate the increased need for electronic communication (cell phone texting, computer messaging, and social networking.
More Tips… Don’t be too anxious about middle school Develop an organizational strategy together Utilize resources Practice a combination lock over the summer Talk about social skills Openly communicate with Everyone Get involved
Q & A What are you and your child looking forward to for middle school? What are you and your child most concerned about middle school? What questions do you or your child have about middle school? THANK YOU! Stacie Robertson, M.A., LMFT-Associate Austin Family Institute 512-329-6611
RESOURCES “Making the Move to Middle School” “Moving to Middle School” Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain by Daniel J. Siegel, MD Connecting with Our Children: Guiding Principles for Parents in a Troubled World by Roberta M. Gilbert The Parent’s Handbook: Systematic Training for Effective Parenting by Don Dinkmeyer, Sr., Gary D. McKay, and Don Dinkmeyer, Jr.