SYNERGIES BETWEEN POLICIES AND EU FUNDS – THE FINNISH EXAMPLE European Economic and Social Committee 24 January 2018 Pauliina Eskola Ministerial Adviser Ministry of the Interior, Finland
SYNERGIES IN PRACTICE - PAST A seminar "Ensuring synergies and strengthening capacities of addressing migration challenges in Finland" was organised in Helsinki in May 2016 The seminar brought together the European Commission and different authorities from Finland Follow-up of the seminar: several smaller meetings at national level further developed cooperation between EU-funding instruments common communication measures 1.1.2019
SYNERGIES IN PRACTICE - PRESENT Coordination network on EU Funds for integration involves AMIF, ESF, FEAD, ERDF, EAFRD and national actors coordinated information and communication activities annual workplan (coordinated calls for proposals) sharing information Dissemination on good practises joint search of project ideas and project partners in cooperation with other EU-funding instruments 1.1.2019
SYNERGIES IN PRACTICE – PRESENT (2) AMIF combined search of project ideas and project partners call for project ideas/information on local needs participants can register as partners (partner-matching) participants get feedback on their ideas´ suitability for AMIF funding and support in project preparation ideas will be shared with other funds application clinics organised 1.1.2019
SYNERGIES IN PRACTICE - FUTURE Joint events for stakeholders/final beneficiaries project development days in different cities planned for 2018 a common information event on EU-funding in June 2018 Synchronized calls for proposals Better scope of each EU funding instrument at national level Preparation of the next MFF (post-2020) regarding integration 1.1.2019
GOOD PRACTISES Sharing of information and expertise Cooperation at ministerial and regional level Communication 1.1.2019
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