If you are a number two you are researching about the Ocean. If you were a number one then you are researching about the Tropical Rainforest. If you are a number two you are researching about the Ocean. If you are a number three you are researching about the Ozone. Please go to the corresponding slide that matches with your topic on preservation; you must click the present button. You will find attachments if you must click the phrases, it will take you to a website. Please make sure to keep using your textbook as a resource.
Tropical Rainforest Why are Rainforest Being Destroyed? How Can we Save Rainforests? Why are Rainforest Important?
Ocean How to preserve the ocean Preserving the Ocean Learn more about the Ocean Ocean
Ozone What is the Ozone? Depletion of the Ozone Layer How we can stop the depletion of the Ozone Layer