Lecture 6: Part of Speech Tagging (II): October 14, 2004 Neal Snider LING 138/238 SYMBSYS 138 Intro to Computer Speech and Language Processing Lecture 6: Part of Speech Tagging (II): October 14, 2004 Neal Snider Thanks to Dan Jurafsky, Jim Martin, Dekang Lin, and Bonnie Dorr for some of the examples and details in these slides! 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Week 3: Part of Speech tagging Parts of speech What’s POS tagging good for anyhow? Tag sets Rule-based tagging Statistical tagging “TBL” tagging 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Rule-based tagging Start with a dictionary Assign all possible tags to words from the dictionary Write rules by hand to selectively remove tags Leaving the correct tag for each word. 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
3 methods for POS tagging Rule-based tagging (ENGTWOL) Stochastic (=Probabilistic) tagging HMM (Hidden Markov Model) tagging Transformation-based tagging Brill tagger 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Statistical Tagging Based on probability theory Today we’ll go over a few basic ideas of probability theory Then we’ll do HMM and TBL tagging. 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Probability and part of speech tags What’s the probability of drawing a 2 from a deck of 52 cards with four 2s? What’s the probability of a random word (from a random dictionary page) being a verb? 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Probability and part of speech tags What’s the probability of a random word (from a random dictionary page) being a verb? How to compute each of these All words = just count all the words in the dictionary # of ways to get a verb: number of words which are verbs! If a dictionary has 50,000 entries, and 10,000 are verbs…. P(V) is 10000/50000 = 1/5 = .20 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Probability and Independent Events What’s the probability of picking two verbs randomly from the dictionary Events are independent, so multiply probs P(w1=V,w2=V) = P(V) * P(V) = 1/5 * 1/5 = 0.04 What if events are not independent? 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Conditional Probability Written P(A|B). Let’s say A is “it’s raining”. Let’s say P(A) in drought-stricken California is .01 Let’s say B is “it was sunny ten minutes ago” P(A|B) means “what is the probability of it raining now if it was sunny 10 minutes ago” P(A|B) is probably way less than P(A) Let’s say P(A|B) is .0001 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Conditional Probability and Tags P(Verb) is the probability of a randomly selected word being a verb. P(Verb|race) is “what’s the probability of a word being a verb given that it’s the word “race”? Race can be a noun or a verb. It’s more likely to be a noun. P(Verb|race) can be estimated by looking at some corpus and saying “out of all the times we saw ‘race’, how many were verbs? In Brown corpus, P(Verb|race) = 96/98 = .98 How to calculate for a tag sequence, say P(NN|DT)? 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Stochastic Tagging Based on probability of certain tag occurring given various possibilities Necessitates a training corpus No probabilities for words not in corpus. Training corpus may be too different from test corpus. 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Stochastic Tagging (cont.) Simple Method: Choose most frequent tag in training text for each word! Result: 90% accuracy Why? Baseline: Others will do better HMM is an example 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
HMM Tagger Intuition: Pick the most likely tag for this word. HMM Taggers choose tag sequence that maximizes this formula: P(word|tag) × P(tag|previous n tags) Let T = t1,t2,…,tn Let W = w1,w2,…,wn Find POS tags that generate a sequence of words, i.e., look for most probable sequence of tags T underlying the observed words W. 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
HMM Tagger argmaxT P(T|W) argmaxTP(W|T)P(T) Bayes Rule argmaxTP(w1…wn|t1…tn)P(t1…tn) Remember, we are trying to find the sequence T that will maximize P(T|W) so this equation is calculated over the whole sentence. 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
HMM Tagger Assume word is dependent only on its own POS tag: it is independent of the others around it argmaxT[P(w1|t1)P(w2|t2)…P(wn|tn)][P(t1)P(t2|t1)…P(tn|tn-1)] 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Bigram HMM Tagger Also assume that probability is dependent only on previous tag For each word and possible tag, need to calculate: P(ti) = P(wi|ti)P(ti|ti-1) then multiply this over each possible tag and each word over the sequence of tags 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Bigram HMM Tagger How do we compute P(ti|ti-1)? c(ti-1ti)/c(ti-1) How do we compute P(wi|ti)? c(wi,ti)/c(ti) How do we compute the most probable tag sequence? Viterbi algorithm 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
An Example Secretariat/NNP is/VBZ expected/VBN to/TO race/VB tomorrow/NN People/NNS continue/VBP to/TO inquire/VB the DT reason/NN for/IN the/DT race/NN for/IN outer/JJ space/NN to/TO race/??? the/DT race/??? ti = argmaxj P(tj|ti-1)P(wi|tj) i = num of word in sequence, j = num among possible tags max[P(VB|TO)P(race|VB) , P(NN|TO)P(race|NN)] Brown: P(NN|TO) = .021 × P(race|NN) = .00041 = .000007 P(VB|TO) = .34 × P(race|VB) = .00003 = .00001 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Viterbi Algorithm S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Transformation-Based Tagging (Brill Tagging) Combination of Rule-based and stochastic tagging methodologies Like rule-based because rules are used to specify tags in a certain environment Like stochastic approach because machine learning is used—with tagged corpus as input Input: tagged corpus dictionary (with most frequent tags) 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Transformation-Based Tagging (cont.) Basic Idea: Set the most probable tag for each word as a start value Change tags according to rules of type “if word-1 is a determiner and word is a verb then change the tag to noun” in a specific order Training is done on tagged corpus: Write a set of rule templates Among the set of rules, find one with highest score Continue from 2 until lowest score threshold is passed Keep the ordered set of rules Rules make errors that are corrected by later rules 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
TBL Rule Application Tagger labels every word with its most-likely tag For example: race has the following probabilities in the Brown corpus: P(NN|race) = .98 P(VB|race)= .02 Transformation rules make changes to tags “Change NN to VB when previous tag is TO” … is/VBZ expected/VBN to/TO race/NN tomorrow/NN becomes … is/VBZ expected/VBN to/TO race/VB tomorrow/NN 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
TBL: Rule Learning 2 parts to a rule Triggering environment Rewrite rule The range of triggering environments of templates (from Manning & Schutze 1999:363) Schema ti-3 ti-2 ti-1 ti ti+1 ti+2 ti+3 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
TBL: The Tagging Algorithm Step 1: Label every word with most likely tag (from dictionary) Step 2: Check every possible transformation & select one which most improves tagging Step 3: Re-tag corpus applying the rules Repeat 2-3 until some criterion is reached, e.g., X% correct with respect to training corpus RESULT: Sequence of transformation rules 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
TBL: Rule Learning (cont.) Problem: Could apply transformations ad infinitum! Constrain the set of transformations with “templates”: Replace tag X with tag Y, provided tag Z or word Z’ appears in some position Rules are learned in ordered sequence Rules may interact. Rules are compact and can be inspected by humans 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Templates for TBL 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
TBL: Problems First 100 rules achieve 96.8% accuracy First 200 rules achieve 97.0% accuracy Execution Speed: TBL tagger is slower than HMM approach Learning Speed: Brill’s implementation over a day (600k tokens) BUT … (1) Learns small number of simple, non-stochastic rules (2) Can be made to work faster with FST (3) Best performing algorithm on unknown words 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Tagging Unknown Words New words added to (newspaper) language 20+ per month Plus many proper names … Increases error rates by 1-2% Method 1: assume they are nouns Method 2: assume the unknown words have a probability distribution similar to words only occurring once in the training set. Method 3: Use morphological information, e.g., words ending with –ed tend to be tagged VBN. 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Using Morphological Information 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004
Evaluation The result is compared with a manually coded “Gold Standard” Typically accuracy reaches 96-97% This may be compared with result for a baseline tagger (one that uses no context). Important: 100% is impossible even for human annotators. 1/1/2019 LING 138/238 Autumn 2004